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European Communication of Enterprises

European SMEs experienced disadvantages following from their size andeconomic situation. Their access to information, consultancy, training,capital and opportunities to enter foreign markets is low. SMEs are lateadopters of ICT instruments. Critical areas of SMEs are: high costs,insufficient competences/attitudes in activities ofmarketing/communication, insufficient rewards in the short-time, andinsufficient opportunities of lifelong learning. Their main needs are: toidentify and use information; to have a direct control over opportunities ofgrowth and learning; and to acquire the management capacity to promotebusiness, especially in foreign countries. This project aims to develop twoinnovative web-based instruments of training and guidance to enableentrepreneurs of SMEs to evaluate their own export attitude and helpthem to commercialize products. The first web-based instrument will be adescriptive instrument providing information related to EU Countries,especially with references to uses/traditions, straightness/weakness ofsuch countries (CZ, IT, UK, FR, LT) to help defining both penetration andmarketing/communication factors. The second web-based instrument willbe an operative instrument aiming to develop foreign marketing plans intarget countries. It will give entrepreneurs the access to a databasescontaining useful marketing information (e.g. benchmarking marketingplans; best/bad marketing actions ; how to avoid languages mistakesand/or misunderstanding connected to differences in thelanguages/cultures) and the opportunity to develop foreign marketingplans according to local uses. Both web-based instruments will beavailable in the reserved area of the project website. Web-based guideswill be also available in CZ, IT, EN, FR, LV. The project will involve apanel of 60 SMEs from CZ, IT, UK, FR, LT who will be testing the twoweb-based instruments for a 3 months. Feedback will be collected inorder to produce localized versions (CZ, IT, EN, FR, LV). Thedissemination and exploitation will be at local, regional, national and EUlevel in 3 sectors: advertising, not high-tech products sector, andconsulting sector. A Toolkit (DVD, paper version user-guide) containingthe instrument and the marketing database will be produced in 1000copies in 5 languages (CZ, IT, EN, FR, LV). Dissemination will be alsoensured in other countries (i.e. BG, ES, DE, PL, RO, PT) by the project’ssilent partner EURelations EEIG. Expected impacts in the project’sparticipating countries are: reinforcement of SMEs commitment toinnovation, investment in modern technologies and integration ofcommunication into business strategies, improvement of effectivecollaborations, and increased attitude to lifelong learning. The projectaction will help entrepreneurs to acquire new competences connected toinnovation, will help the development of innovative contents andapplications, and will help SMEs to grow up in terms of foreign businessopportunities. It will help entrepreneurs to identify and use information,have a direct control over opportunities of growth and learning, acquiremanagement capacities to promote business, and increasing the attitudeto lifelong learning in the workplace. Another anticipated impact is alsothe willingness of other countries to adopt the innovative web-basedinstruments since they will be commercialized in the reserved area of theproject website after the completion of the project.

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