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European citizenship for social inclusion
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “European citizenship for social inclusion”, lasting 9 months, will take place at association of social promotion ONLUS "IL PORTICO", located in Dolo (a small town on the Riviera del Brenta, near Venice). The association has been providing its services and developing many projects in this area, since 1985. Not only does it try to offer immediate and cooperative help to needy, but it also aims at removing the causes of discomfort and social exclusion. It will involve two girls (22 and 24 years old) from France and Spain. Both have shown interest to take part in initiatives and interventions in favour to marginalized and disadvantaged people. Through education or working experiences, the volunteers has met already this target. The volunteers will participate in the association’s activities, such as: • free time animation for differently-able and socially excluded people, • welcoming and temporary hospitality of people in need, • intervention ad projects aimed to create awareness and involvement for the growth of a culture based upon integration and social justice – in particular promotion of involvement of young people in volunteering and in the community initiatives such as active citizens. The project aims to deal on the intercultural awareness of young people, stimulating dialogue and promoting a culture of solidarity, foster the involvement of the EVS volunteers in inclusive actions and help them to know better what means and how it works in the social field (whit differently-able and marginalized people). In particular, it will be organized informal meetings with some professionals who will describe their methods of work and their collaboration whit “IL PORTICO”. During this project, it will be adopted methods and approaches of non-formal education and will be respected rules and values of the Erasmus+ program and EVS Chart. Thanks to European Voluntary Service, the involved girls will be able to develop their abilities, acquire new knowledge, learn a new language, know different approaches of intervention in social fields, in the management of human relationships and in the intercultural debate. This experience will have a long term impact on EVS personal paths and about their future choices. The volunteers also will be involved in the promotion and awareness activities such as meetings in schools, in volunteering organizations/local associations and public events. In these occasions the volunteers will contribute to awaken the civil society (especially young people), inform about the European opportunities (in particular Erasmus + Program), stimulate the active participation in the community and intercultural dialogue, promote the volunteering as forms to realize social inclusion, sense of belonging and personal growth. In this way, the project will further also the local community growth and, in particular, will stimulate the interest of young people to take part in other mobility projects. Results and products of the project will be shared with the sending organizations and disseminated in their local communities. The project impact will concern also the project promoters, particularly the receiving organization. The collaboration among the partners will be consolidated and forward the comparison of methods and practices, also the improvement of management and organization. In this way, it will be created more favourable conditions for durable cooperation and future projects. The possibility to host people from different countries and therefore with different culture and habits is very important for “IL PORTICO” because it represents a cultural exchange, a new opportunity to know other and different point of views about themes and problems contemplated in the EVS project, to share abilities, skills and relations, to enrich the human and social capital of the association.
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