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European Citizens
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. Context/background of project The Lower Secondary School “IC Tione” is a grouping of two middle schools and five primary schools (with pupils aged 6-13), located in Trentino, in an area far from and not very well connected with the main town of Trento.Our autonomous Province has issued a regulations on the acquisition of language skills (“Trentino’s Trilingual Project”) at the end of the first cycle of education, raising the standards of regular language teaching and gradually introducing the CLIL approach by 2019, when the system will be fully implemented.2. Objectives:Participation in this Erasmus+ Project will offer us the possibility of achieving the goals outlined in our school curriculum, which go in the twofold direction of full educational success of pupils and the effective implementation of the “Trentino’s Trilingual Project”.In accordance with the trilingual regulation, we are improving our regular German/English teaching in all classes and are currently implementing the CLIL approach in all third classes of primary school, while, by 2019, all forms will be partly taught by CLIL. This will clearly require improving our teachers’ language and methodological skills: participating to the Erasmus+ Project will therefore address such needs and will sustain teachers of English and German and teachers of all content areas willing to apply the CLIL approach. 3. Number and profile of participants Participants to the project will be two distinctive groups of teachers:n° 14 teachers of non-linguistic disciplines in our primary and middle schools with a CEFR knowledge of English or German from A2 to B2. n°07 teachers of English and teachers of German language in our primary and middle schools with a CEFR knowledge of English or German willing to achieve the C1 e C2 CEFR certification level.Recipients of the project will be the participating teachers above mentioned and their pupils, as it will enhance the students’ motivation to learn and the teachers’ satisfaction to teach.4. Selection criteriaIn order to achieve such goals the School ICTione will appoint a commission of internal and external members who will act as a guarantor of transparency and equity during the selection process. The selection criteria will take into account a strong motivation, the teachers’ language and IT skills, their willingness to work in a group and to acquire a new teaching approach and method.5. Description of activities The Project will unfold in the following main phases:• Local training phase meant to reinforce teachers’ language skills, CLIL methodology and the use of ICT and of the eTwinning platform (Sept.2016-Febr. 2017);• Mobility phase of participating teachers to Ireland and Germany (June-Aug. 2017);• Mid evaluation of the project (Sept. 2017)• Action-research phase conducted by the participating teachers in their own classes and sharing of the acquired experience and skills with their colleagues through specific group activities (Oct 2017-May 2018);• Final Evaluation phase (June 2018);• Reprojection phase: (since September 2018);• Dissemination phase: diffusion of the results (September 2018), through all channels available to the school;• Launching phase (since October 2018): systematic application of the renewed school offer in regular English/German classes and in CLIL (non-linguistic disciplines). A special commission will work transversely, selecting the participants, ascertaining their motivation, skills and action-research results. Participants will be requested to fill in an initial and final questionnaire of self-evaluation with respect to their language skills. During their mobility all teachers will have to keep an up-date diary and will have to write a final report. Within the School’s customer satisfaction analysis system, the strengths and weaknesses of the project will be analyzed by all the parties involved: students, teachers and parents.6. Short description of resultsThrough the project the IC Tione will have:a. better trained and more motivated teachers in language skils, CLIL and ICT applications;b. more motivated pupils;c. a renewed teaching and learning offer;d. more satisfied stakeholders.7. impact envisaged and potential longer term benefitsThe project will be strongly aligned to the school's vision, values and priorities and will provide a beneficial impact on the school’s teaching-learning process and particularly on the teachers’ and students’ language skills. All this will give the school a distinctive European and international dimension and will improve the sense of satisfaction and identification of our stakeholders.

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