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European Business Baccalaureate Diploma an der HAK Grazbachgasse
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since 2015/16, future alumni of the bilingual International Business classes at Bundeshandelsakademie (Secondary Vocational College) Grazbachgasse have the opportunity to acquire the economic diploma “European Business Baccalaureate Diploma” (EBBD) in addition to their school-leaving certificate. This internationally recognised diploma is considered an important additional qualification for our students and increases their chances on the job market. In order to acquire this European diploma, it is necessary for the students to do a three-week internship in an English-speaking country.This 4th year’s entire International Business class would like to acquire the EBBD after their A-levels and therefore would like to do an internship in England with Erasmus plus. Preparation for and post-processing of this internship will take place in school, particularly in the subjects “Business Behaviour”, “Business Training”, “Virtual Company”, and “English including Business English”. The students’ learning outcome will also be evaluated by teachers during the time of internship in England. The teachers will regularly meet with students to get feedback and visit and evaluate the companies involved. Therefore, this project will be beneficial for participating students and teachers alike. The experience gained from this project will help to further institutionalise international projects and cooperations at our school.Almond Vocational Link, a non-profit organisation, will function as our project partner in Plymouth, England. Almond Vocational Link has many years of experience with European mobility programmes. They will be responsible for providing internship positions that are suitable for our students as well as accommodation at host families.During their three-week internship, students will be able to put their skills acquired at school into practice. Moreover, they get the chance to experience English professional life and culture first hand. They will improve their language skills and regard English as a working language as self-evident. Learning agreements that are made with the involved companies before the beginning of the internships guarantee the highest level of quality possible for the project. The English companies involved in the project will benefit from well-trained and well-prepared interns who will convey a positive image of the Austrian education system and job market. After their internship, the students will function as multipliers by passing on their experience to other students at our school and motivating them to also do an internship with Erasmus plus.In course of the project, the teachers involved will gain valuable experience in project management and organising international cooperations. In the future, the current team will supervise further projects and motivate further teachers to participate in similar projects. The internationalisation of HAK Grazbachgasse will certainly improve the reputation and attractiveness of our school.

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