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Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Oct 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EUROPE4US is a project directed to all students of Secondary school Dalj (1st to 4th grade). The project includes 10 students (5 students of economy and 5 of agro touristic educational profile) and 2 accompanying teachers. The mobility will be implemented in a two - week period from March 15 – March 29 2015. The overall aim of the project is to improve the student's competences and skills in order to gain better employment opportunities, to gain new and relevant business related experience in order to motivate students to further self-development with special stress on entrepreneurial way of thinking and acting. Specific aims of the project: a) To increase the transversal competences of students (especially entrepreneurial skills) b) To link education and the world of work c) To raise the intercultural and international profile of school and students d) To foster language competences (multilingual communication in every field of education) e) To gain new skills and knowledge through formal and non formal education f) To correctly apply vocational terminology g) To apply and implement principles of best practice examples in economy and agriculture and the principles of sustainable development h) To apply the basics of entrepreneurship and organized business MAIN ACTIVITIES: 1. PREPARATION ACTIVITIES 1.1. Selection of participants through competition/advertisement (on the schools’ web site, fb site) followed by an interview with selected students/participants 1.2. Signing of project agreement with all participants and beneficiaries involved (partner agency – MOU, students – training agreements, parents – statement permission) 1.3. Preparation activities in school (language, cultural preparations organized as workshops, each in duration of 8 lessons). 2. MOBILITY The mobility will be implemented in the period between March 15 – March 29, 2015 and will include 10 students and 2 accompanying teachers. 3. CERTIFICATES EUROPASS certificates will enable students to present their skills and knowledge according to specific criteria issued by the EU. 4. EVALUATION Evaluation will be done through: a) Surveys carried out among students (includes also statistic analyses) b) Forms for evaluation of student’s accomplishments and outputs during mobility (done by the accompanying teachers and mentors assigned by the partner organization) c) Monitoring and evaluation of student’s accomplishments after mobility d) Number of students enrolled in the 1st grades e) Attitudes and comments of students and their level of motivation to participate in same or similar projects again 5. DISEMINATION OF PROJECT RESULTS Dissemination will be done through: a) Media (indicators: TV features, newspaper articles/reports, press release in Daljske novosti, Glas Slavonije, STV, OSTV, Školski list) b) Presentation of project results in local primary schools (indicators: number of present parents and students on presentation meetings) c) Survey results about the attitude of students towards mobility projects d) Teachers council meetings in school e) Vocational council meetings in the Osječko-baranjska County OUTCOMES/RESULTS: Benefits for students: -improvement of all skills as described in specific aims of the project: a) Increment of transversal competences of students (especially entrepreneurial skills) b) Raised awareness about education and the world of work c) Fostered language competences (multilingual communication in every field of education) d) New skills and knowledge acquired through formal and non formal education e) Acquired new ways of how to correctly apply vocational terminology Benefits for teachers and school staff: a) Intercultural and international profile of school, staff and students b) Knowledge acquired of how to apply and implement principles of best practice examples in economy and agriculture and the principles of sustainable development c) Knowledge acquired of how to apply the basics of entrepreneurship and organized business

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