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Europe supports inclusion !
Start date: Jul 15, 2015, End date: Sep 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Europe supports inclusion!“ will take place in the capital city of the Croatia - Zagreb. Main objective of the project is to support Roma inclusion in Croatia. Specific objectives are to raise awareness in society about problems faced by Roma and supporting empowerment of Roma community. The project will host 2 long-term volunteers who will conduct the EVS activity in the Roma National Council, an umbrella civil society organization which will implement this project in cooperation with two organizations from Programme Countries (France and Austria). The Roma National Council (RNC) is an umbrella organization for all Roma organizations and other organizations supporting Roma in Croatia. As such we promote human and minority rights and work on the inclusion of Roma in Croatia while protecting their historical and cultural heritage and promoting their identity. The Roma National Council has already implemented a variety of activities and thereby gathered vast experience in the areas of policy making, advocacy and networking as well as in immediate project work on Roma issues. The volunteer will be involved in and trained on the whole range of activities run by the RNC: writing of articles for the website, editing website, organizing conferences and events, contribute to the expansion of volunteerism, research on specific Roma related topics, help in project implementation, participate in the field visits to the Roma associations etc. Volunteer will implement his/her personal project and will be encouraged and advised by the supervisor in the process of project design and implementation. Thereby the volunteer will get a good insight in the work of an NGO on a national level in all aspects. The volunteer will be involved in activities mainly on a public policy making level. Furthermore, we would like the volunteer to assist in empowering our young Roma activists (members of employees of RNC) by showing them possibilities the EU and other countries hold, as well as sharing the experiences as young activists. It will have great impact on the young person, volunteer, who will through this project improve his/her level of key competences and skills, relevant for the labor market (communication in European languages, digital competences, social and civic competences etc.) and will support social inclusion of Roma people. The RNC will provide an accommodation for volunteer in apartment or in student dormitory, close to the office of RNC and take care of all necessary arrangements (heating, power etc.). To ensure volunteer’s mobility we will buy monthly passes for public transportation and Croatian prepaid SIM card. In case of any further arrangements the RNC will support the volunteer and accompany her/him through all procedures. The RNC will give money for food to the volunteer next to the pocket money foreseen in the Erasmus + Program Guide. Furthermore, the RNC will organize linguistic support for the volunteer. The atmosphere in RNC is very open, friendly, with strong spirit and our employees, interns and volunteers consider themselves friends. In case of emergencies the volunteers will at all-time have the private numbers of at least their mentor and supervisor. The mentor of volunteers will at all-time have an open ear for problems and be responsible for solving conflicts and supporting the volunteers in case of discontents. Furthermore, before the volunteers start their service they will be given the contact of a former long term volunteer as an “outside-contact” who will also support if necessary. Methodology which will be used in carrying out the project includes: 1. preparatory phases (focused on the developing of communication among partner organizations and between organizations and volunteers, as well as on preparation of the volunteer before departure), 2. execution (focused on the implementation of the EVS Activity, monitoring and dissemination of project results) 3. project closure phases (evaluation of the overall project results, dissemination of project results, archiving documents). The expected impact on volunteer is a better and deeper understanding and awareness of human and minority rights and the Roma issues on the European level. The participant will expand his/her knowledge, skills and experience working with members of national minorities, living in another cultural and linguistic environment and develop tolerance. Acquiring of these knowledge, skills and competences will empower volunteer for further education or for job opportunities. The participating organizations will develop a closer international cooperation and have opportunity for exchange of knowledge and experience. The volunteer will contribute to the organization’s projects, activities and also discussions, exchanging different point of views and ideological backgrounds.
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