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Europe is For All
Start date: Sep 20, 2015, End date: Sep 19, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Intercultural Association For All (IAFA) is a non-profit organization. It is mostly constituted by young people, who decided to invest their intellectual and creative capital in the service of the community. It has important national and international partnerships with public and private entities and also with companies. Its team work has a strong presence of local, graduated and with master’s degrees volunteers, who usually participate on Erasmus+ programs. IAFA’s staff know European mobility and volunteering programs and are used to deal with all of the practical aspects, so they are ready for this challenge. Its mission is to actively contribute to unemployment decrease and to promote Europe as an opportunity. IAFA’s main goal is to support local development, in order to raise its patterns to European levels. Intends to mobilize its resources, knowledge and skills to job’s creation, vocational and civic training, in order to create equal opportunities for all. IAFA’s main activity is to promote different European programs, in the cultural, social and mobility sphere, in order to contribute to a more cohesive knowledge and closer to the European Union’s different countries’ realities. It seeks to promote intercultural cooperation among people, approaching themes as human rights, equal opportunities and entrepreneurship, making aware of a major collective voluntary solidarity need and social inclusion. The main commitment is to promote European mobility to people with different training and business areas and to those who want to inspire and learn with other European organizations. IAFA gives special attention to people with social needs; particularly young unemployed, young entrepreneurs and emigrant workers. It intends to mobilize and to promote international, national and regional efforts to solve these problems, promoting effective practices for job creation and social inclusion. Viana do Castelo has all the conditions to embrace this project, which makes a pleasant location for the volunteers and benefits local population, who gains with the experience, activities and knowledge exchanges brought by volunteers. It is intended to help in the creation of a more interconnected European environment, where all the volunteers can contribute in social, cultural and professional ways, in order to create, in the future, a more powerful EU and with better knowledge of each country’s reality. Partners were chosen by its experience and collaboration, and by their participation on similar projects. This European Voluntary Service (EVS) will last 12 months and it is open to young people over 18 years old, including people with less opportunities. They will be selected in a fair and objective way, no matter their ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc. It won’t be qualifications, educational levels, specific experience or languages’ knowledge requirements. IAFA has several activities already tested and pre-prepared. It will be volunteer’s option to collaborate, to improve or even to suggest new activities. Before any new activity becomes practical, it needs to be approved and supervised by the qualified members. Volunteer will have a weekly schedule previously agreed with the organization’s responsible members and any changes will be communicated to them. During the volunteering process, volunteer will be accompanied by a mentor who will give him all the necessary support. The advantages for the volunteer will be huge. He will have contact with a new culture, he will meet new people and he will live new experiences. He will have the opportunity to participate on events’ organization and in several activities promoted by IAFA. Being the voluntary from a different nationality, he can share his experience and culture giving projects added value in the European intercultural sphere. IAFA intends to build long lasting, reliable and beneficial relations with all players. IAFA is fully aware of the role played by sending organizations during all of the process and it will act according to EVS program’s intended values. Interested volunteers should send their Curriculum Vitae with a presentation letter, describing their reasons to participate in this project. All of the written communication regarding this project (partners’ organizations and volunteers) should be sent to the available e-mail (, until the 1st of August and we will inform about the selections until the 15th August 2015.
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4 Partners Participants