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"Europe in M.I.N.D.D.” (Mobility for Innovation, Networks for Digital Didactics)
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project "Europe in M.I.N.D.D.” (Mobility for Innovation, Networks for Digital Didactics), planned by I.I.S.S. “Peano-Rosa” of Nereto (TE), aims at supporting in service training of the staff, combining two kinds of mobility experiences: structured courses on language and methodology and job shadowing. Activities will be organized by 2 host schools (Petroc College e l'IT Gymnasiet Göteborg) and a variety of course provider from different EU countries (Finland, the UK, Ireland, Spain and Portugal), thus maximizing the impact and quality of the final outcome. Activities have been carefully selected by an appointed Project team in order to meet the organisation's needs in terms of quality development of teaching and learning, modernization and internationalisation. The general objective of the project is focused on improving teachers’ transversal skills as important attributes that enhance individual’s interactions and job performance. More specifically, the project aims at:• improving language skills and culture competences for the staff and the students, to help them tackle the needs of a global and interconnected economy;• promoting the digital (ICT) competence and practical classroom skills of teachers thus filling the generation gap between teachers and students; • achieving a stronger awareness of the European dimension of education.The selection of 10 teachers of the staff participating to the project "Europe in M.I.N.D.D." takes into account the following criteria:• the knowledge of the language in order to take full advantage of the benefits deriving from training activities and interactions in host schools abroad;• involvement in CLIL methodology courses, the use of ICT in teaching and course for ECDL, foreign language courses and/or language certificates, organized by schools or universities;• motivation and awareness of duties connected with the promotion of materials to disseminate the results.Participating teachers will take part in the evaluation of the Project through self-monitoring and self-evaluation, before, during and after the activities. They will set personal aims and expectations, they will write a log to update colleagues and students about their experiences abroad and they will write a final report.The learning experience in a EU dimension will strengthen our response to the needs of innovation promoted by the strategy Europe 2020 (ET Lisbon) and the modernisation agenda (EC 2011).The strategic use of ICT-based methodologies and new tools learnt in the international project activities will enable learning for all, thus creating an inclusive learning environment well suited for several learning styles and disabilities, including:• pupils with diverse needs of personalised learning approaches;• students from different culture and social backgrounds (i.e. immigrants and refugees).The impact of results on the organization will be supported by an effective plan of dissemination through the cooperation between all the parts involved (host school, training provider, participants, students, families).The dissemination of the project’s results will be carried out using a variety of tools (web site, newsletter, informative corners inside the school, multimedia products as well as the communication with other relevant organization involved in teaching and training process).The competences and knowledge gained will motivate in organizing more mobility projects in the future, incoming and outgoing, hopefully finding KA 2 partnership with one or more partner schools from other countries participating in Erasmus+.

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