European Projects
Europe from Scratch
Europe from Scratch
Start date: May 1, 2016,
End date: Dec 31, 2016
"Europe from Scratch" is a multimeasure project inspired by the EC project "A new narrative for Europe" that includes 2 YEs for young people aged 18-30 and a job shadowing period for youth workers. The project involves more than 100 youngsters from Belgium, Austria, Italy, Turkey, FYRoM, Portugal, Greece, Poland, UK, Lithuania and Cyprus. Activities will take place between May and December 2016. YEU is an international network born in 1986 with the aim of bringing young people together from all over Europe and to build peace, understanding, European citizenship and a common sense of belonging. These ideas and values, however, seem to strike with today's feelings and situation in Europe. Current social changes brought both more opportunities and more risks and constraints for all European citizens, above all for young people. In this unique period in Europe, young people (and society in general) have to face a great number of issues: youth unemployment rates in EU are generally twice as high as those for adults, with the current risk of becoming permanently unemployed; young people throughout Europe are distanced from and disillusioned with the channels of representative democracy, whose institutions and methods are neither willing nor capable of listening and responding positively to their needs and demands; many young people are skeptical of the political and administrative machineries that go along with it; problematic access to education and rising unemployment have obliged young people to rely more and more on family support and therefore curtailing their independence. The basic result of all this is the lack of confidence in European institutions and policies and an increasingly scattered continent (due to inequalities, different access to education and mobility, etc.). That’s why, nowadays, young people, wherever they live and perhaps more than ever before, need to gain and be able to use life management skills and the capacity for critical judgment, in order to be able to answer a set of questions they will have to face in future scenarios of EU: are some Europeans at risk of becoming permanently unemployable? how can Europe better integrate migrants? is people becoming more racist? why should young people bother voting in elections? is the EU still only an economic bloc that countries join (only) for economic reasons? will countries ever decide to join or stay in the Union because of the common good (if such thing exists) instead of their national interests? Moreover, all these factors also translate in the lack of “belonging”: young people do not feel as European citizens. YEU believes that the development of European identity is an unfinished business which risks jeopardizing the concept of Europe itself and that has to be addressed: is a common European identity possible? what are the values and ideals that bring us together as European citizenship and how can we awake and embed them in us? "Europe from Scratch" actually aims at bringing participants on a journey through the roots and values of Europe and of YEU (dignity,social inclusion,solidarity,tolerance,human rights,dialogue) and to give them the opportunity to reflect and think about the birth of Europe and the concepts of European identity and citizenship, in order to "re-create" European society/community from scratch, overcoming cultural differences and setting common goals and values. Through 2 youth exchanges, young people will: investigate current trends and issues; learn about European roots and history; gather different perspective on Europe and European identity; identify and create small practical tools that will help youth workers, trainers and youth organizations to deal with a changing Europe and its future scenarios; have the opportunity to recreate Europe from scratch, and therefore reflect on values/ideals,objectives, frameworks, institutions, relationships at the base of it; spread the information and increase awareness on the future of EU by creating and disseminating a set of guidelines and a shared “Agenda for future of Europe”. The job shadowing period, involving 1 youth worker from partner organizations, will be fundamental in order to create continuity among the exchanges, to better develop and shape the guidelines and the agenda, to collect additional data among YEU members. This activity will also help to boost quality in partner organizations that will want to keep on working on this topics, since the participant will share his/her experiences through online blogs and platforms. All activities will be carried out through flexible, variable and innovative NFE methodologies. Finally, the project objective is to give young people, youth workers and youth organizations the opportunity to reflect on the origins and roots of Europe, what values and ideals keep it together and how these values can be "adapted" and used to build a common and passionate feeling of belonging and of European identity in the world of today.