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Europe - China - Earth
Start date: Sep 1, 2011,

The project "Europe - China - Earth" is a large-scale pilot project that will bring together young people, youth workers, youth policy experts, political representatives and other stakeholders from Europe and China to reflect about global environmental challenges and the role that young people can play in facing them. The project will use the dynamics and visibility created by the EU - Chiria Year of Youth to further strengthen and promote dialogue and co-operation between Europe and China in the field of youth.Global environmental challenges and climate changes are pressing issues both in Europe and in China. The project aims to raise awareness of young people about these topics. Young people from Europe and China will be able to reflect about them, exchange their opinions with experts and policy-makers and then come up with their own small pilot projects to promote more sustainable ways of life.The project will give a chance to 150 young people (mostly with fewer opportunities) from 3 European countries and 3 Chinese regions to become young "global ambassadors". They will be provided with a complex self-development programme that will enable them to become active leaders and multipliers in their own local communities. Around 2400 other young people, youth workers, political representatives and other stakeholders are expected to be reached through various activities of the project.The main activities foreseen through the project include regular meetings of the local project teams, the Kick-Off Seminar in Yinchuan, China, the Euro-Chinese Youth Conference in Xiamen, China, local pilot projects organised by young people and centered around 5 action days, online workshops through video conferences, the Evaluation and Networking Conference in the Czech Republic, an interactive international exhibition and other preparation and evaluation activities.The project encompasses several tangible results. We will create a Euro-Chinese Youth Internet portal about global environmental challenges and youth participation, containing not only information about the project and its activities, but also articles, useful links and other information about the topic of the project. Young people will also record short videos and create together Euro-Chinese Youth Internet TV. The portal and the TV should serve as a platform for exchange of experience and good practices. We will also create a popular publication about global environmental challenges and the role of young people in facing them, in co-operation with experts and students from Oxford. Other results like photos, videos and other materials will be composed together in the form of an interactive exhibition that will take place at different places in Europe and China and should reach around 600 young people.All the results of the project will be widely disseminated and we will work intensively on the visibility of the project. A database of stakeholders will be created consisting of more than 1200 contacts of youth workers, youth NGO representatives, youth policy experts, political representatives and journalists in the countries involved. These stakeholders will be regularly informed about the project, invited to various events and we will send them the results of the project.
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  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants