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Europe and YOU

The main aim of the project has been to develop an active sense of citizenship on various political levels. The pupils composed profiles of their political representatives - local, regional, national and European. The students contacted the politicians and asked each of them to complete a questionnaire. These portraits have been published on the "virtual pin board" on the project website: On the website is further information on the subject of the EU and also the project film “Europe and YOU” has been made available for viewing. This 90 minute film presents the partner schools, shows impressions of the regions, gives information on the EU, documents the course of the project, gives insights into the many and varied activities during the course of the project and presents the politicians, ranging from Mayor to M.E.P, who had agreed to answer the students’ questions. The range of questions extended from simple questions concerning day to day work, opinions on topics concerning young people (e.g. introduction of school uniform) to wider European questions (e.g. Why does the U.K not have the euro?)There was one question which all those interviewed had to answer: „What do you think of Comenius projects?Particular high points of the project were the visits to the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg. MEPs from the constituencies of the partner schools also made themselves available to answer the students’ questions and described the working day of the MEP. In a drama workshop pupils discussed socio-political topics relevant to European youth. Topics such as school uniform, bullying and the situation with apprenticeships were made into sketches for a drama presentation. The “Europe and YOU Show” was a great success and may also be seen in the documentary film “Europe and YOU”.
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