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Europapraktikum für Berufsschüler
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Projects A1 to A3 are a continuation of IVT pool projects which we have carried out in a similar form since 2009. All coming projects are also intended to be pool projects. Project A1: This project is for trainees from the commercial business sector throughout Germany. The aim of the project is to strengthen intercultural competence and to further develop linguistic skills. Furthermore, personal, social and professional skills should be developed. As a result of globalization, such skills have become essential for future employees to be able to compete on the European market. A total of 600 participants will travel to the UK in groups of at least 10. The project consists of prior preparation in Germany and a three-week learning period in Great Britain. Participants are provided with a cultural and work-related introduction in the UK. Participants complete industrial internships in small and medium-sized enterprises in England. In all internships, participants are given the opportunity to interact with customers allowing for targeted use and improvement of their language skills. Participants also have the chance to take part in cultural activities outside of the internship. An understanding and a willingness to support such learning experiences abroad during traineeships should be encouraged and promoted on a national level. Project A2: This project is directed at students completing a full-time school-based traineeship to become commercial assistants. The aims of the project are the same as in project A1. As these participants do not work in companies, the program duration will be longer allowing learning outcomes to be consolidated more effectively. The previous project of its kind was awarded the title “Best Practice Project” by the NA-BIBB in 2012. Twenty-four participants will take part in the six-week program in Bournemouth, UK. Alongside preparation in Germany, participants complete a week-long language and intercultural training course in Bournemouth, followed by five weeks work experience. The structure and internship areas are the same as mentioned in project A2. Project A3: In this project ten photo design trainees will complete a twelve week internship in the UK which specializes in this field. This high level of specialization and the length of the program mean that the needs of the participants, the school and the receiving company can be more effectively taken into consideration. Project A4: This project is directed at students who, having completed a full-time school-based traineeship, require a longer period of practical training to allow them the opportunity to demonstrate their strengths and to prove that they can apply the theory they have acquired during the traineeship. In the first year, thirty traineeship graduates should complete a three month internship including an introductory course and an accompanying evening class in the UK. The combination of scholastic and practical elements should allow graduates to develop skills which are not able to develop fully in a purely academic environment. This should improve their employment outlook and initiate an interest in international mobility at the beginning of their professional career. Project A5: This project is designed for thirty graduates from hotel and catering traineeships. Participants will undertake a four-month learning period abroad consisting of a specialist internship and an introductory course in the UK. The combination of scholastic and practical elements should allow graduates to further develop their skills. This should improve their employment outlook and initiate an interest in international mobility at the beginning of their professional career. Project A6: The project „Intercultural Training for Vocational School Teachers” is targeted at teachers from the departments of English and Economics. The aim of the program is to offer vocational teachers the opportunity for professional, linguistic and personal exchange and to encourage the establishment of a Germany-wide network. The target group has prior experience of the execution of learning experiences abroad and should, through taking part, be given a clearer idea of the insights their trainees gain by participating in the project. Over a period of ten days, a group of thirty teachers will receive inter-cultural and linguistic training in Torquay, UK; pay visits to educational institutions in the area; and take part in cultural activities. As a result of this experience, teachers should be able to strengthen the understanding of the importance of inter-cultural competence in vocational training on a regional level, and function as experts in the execution of learning experiences abroad. Teachers should also develop a concept to prepare the trainees’ for their stay abroad, which is integrated into the traineeship itself.

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