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EuropAktiv III
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project participants:Association 3K-Aktiv e.V. (D), IBD Partnership (UK), LOTP Lightonthepath Glasgow (UK), MTP Mobilitas Training Projects (ES), PARAGON Europe Ltd. for Malta and the Dudley College at Birmingham (UK).3K-Aktiv e.V. leads and supports the administrative and organizational aspects of the project. Furthermore, we will go through andimplement the evaluation and public relations together with our partners abroad, . The tasks of our foreign partners are essentially in the search of suitable companies and placement of appropriate internships abroad.Participants:15 instructors and 115 trainees from the fields of bakery, hotel / catering and travel, tourism and leisure and other commercial professions.Requirements and needs:In particular, workers and trainees from the fields of hotel / catering and travel, tourism and leisure need increasingly foreignlanguage skills, intercultural skills and a particularly high degree of adaptability for their daily interaction with guests. This appliesequally to commercial staff in international companies. Both from the perspective of the companies that are active in internationalmarkets, as well as for the professional perspective of the trainees, the need arises to acquire these skills.Objectives:Learners should use and deepen their professional knowledge during the stay abroad. Furthermore, they should increase their socialand international expertise. In a pre-agreed contract between the partners the working areas will be set; Eg. participants are used inhotel trades in the "reception" and in commercial occupations in the "Shopping / Sales Export". After training, the learners becomemore flexible by their increased mobility readiness, so that their career prospects will improve. In addition, participants will learnmore about the current and historical culture of the country.Results:Each participant will complete a 2-4 week stay (as experience shows VET and teaching staff 1-2 weeks) abroad and thereby improvepersonal and professional skills. These include the elimination of language barriers through improved language skills, a greatercultural understanding, an in-depth knowledge as well as an increase in personal self-consciousness. Overall, thereby the personaljob situation for the trainee improves.Additional results:An essential part is to demand and support and to raise awareness of a growing Europe. Significant results are improved language skills of the participants, as well as the better cultural understanding of all involved with each other. Degradation of language and cultural barriers in terms of the European idea will create higher common potentials in personal development or in the context of business cooperation.All participants will receive the Europass; Reports of the participating students; Project report; Publication of project results through information flyers, website and events of 3K-AKTIV e.V.Project management: 01/06/2016 to 31/05/2018

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