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Európai válaszok a magyar középfokú zenészképzés változásaira
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This staff mobility project of 6 colleagues was mainly inspired by two important changes that our school had to face recently: 1.The introduction of ESP in our language curriculum 2. Merging with Erkel Jazz Conservatory in 2008. The general objective of the project is to promote the professional awareness and development of our teaching staff (6 teachers) in the following fields:1. Methodology of Teaching ESP (Music Terminology, Instrument making)2. Diversity and fighting underachievement and early shool leaving (teaching students of different socio-economic background)3. Facilitating learner autonomy and non-formal learning Attending professional development courses abroad and the adaptation of materials will have a considerable influence over our educational practice. Firstly, we would like our staff to innovate and set up approaches to fight against “dropping out of school”.Secondly, the methodology of teaching ESP will help our colleagues in their everyday teaching practice and materials design. Finally, the sharing of European and international best practices and knowledge can be an essential component of our staff development programme, because it is believed to help create a more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside our school, which is a training school of future music teachers and ELTE undergraduates.

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