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Európai cirkuszi tapasztalatok megosztása
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Baross Imre Hungarian Circus School, involving new european partners, composed a two-year long program with the aim to develop the institution, to renew the education methods and in order to share the european experiences. Our school is the ONLY VOCATION INSTITUTION of circus art, so its effect is crutial on the evolution of the WHOLE HUNGARIAN SECTOR. This fact justify why it is important that the school become an active part of the european circulation, that we know, transfer and use the educational and art trend, This project makes possible the RENEWAL OF CIRCUS VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. We send teachers and staff to three PARTNERS, which are DIFFERENT in their PROFILE but COMPLEMENTARY to eachother. Each of the partners realize the complex circus art education, which is the weak point of the hungarian school. The aim of the 8 long mobilities is to abilitate the school to react successfully to the NEW CHALLANGES of the circus market. The execution of the project evolves at national and international level: the vocational training we participate at the partners, are followed by WORKING GROUPS gathering at national level. On this way so the PREPARATION as the DISSEMINATION, UNDERSTANDING, ANALYZING of the obtained experience become a part of the team work. The WORKING PROGRAM of the mobilities aims the introduction to the partner’s institution and to the holistic artistic approach to circus in regards to the teachers. TEACHERS concentrate primarily on the common work with the local collegues, on discussions and practical teaching sessions, while the STAFF study the institutional structure and administrative background, as a whole. The HUNGARIAN DELEGATION, completed by the local staff participate at GROUP discussions, evaluation sessions and presentations. In order to make efficient work each of the beneficiaries cooperate with a personal mentor, to work with at daily lavel, having a higher and detailed understanding. The EVALUATION and FEEDBACK sessions applied at each fase of the process help the understanding, elaboration and implementation of the new experience. For the acknowledgment of the working program beneficieries receive EUROPASS mobility document, which states at a detailed manner the kind of the executed tasks and acquisited competencies. The sending institution recognize the teachers’ stay as a part of their normal work and their substitution is organized by the school at their cost. The project is followed by a PR work at national and international level, spreading the news to contacts about activities, results and later about the dissemination event organized for sharing experience. As THE IMPACT of the project it will rise the intrest towards the new artistic pedagogy and will result the change of the approach. Parallel to that the RESTRUCTURATION of the school will become more efficient and supported by the dialogue created among teachers, staff and students. Several international cooperation will be a result of this project, which integrate our school to the EUROPEAN CIRCULATION, notably will raise the number of arriving international delegations. At national level in the CULTURAL SECTOR evidently will appear the fruit of the artistic work carried out with the students of the school.

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3 Partners Participants