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Europäische Industriebetriebe und deren interkulturelle Kompetenzen
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Industrial clerksOur school offers a special education program for apprentices who train to become industrial clerks. This focuses on the culturalaspects of Europe where they learn about all the important aspects of Europe as well as so called “mini-cultures” which differ fromone country to another. In addition they are trained intensively on language and are constantly able to intensify their language skills.The languages offered in our program are English and Spanish. Students meet twice a week in order to attend 90 minute languagecourses.If students decide to participate on the program, they are offered the opportunity of doing a language certificate on either a B 2level after the first year of English or C 1 certificate after another year of special language training with singular focus on thelanguage of trade.Within the first year of language training, the students are given the chance of going to some other European country to get aninsight on business and language there. Depending on the partner organisation this may includes the ECVET-Memorandum ofUnderstanding. These practicums are organized either by us, the school, or the companies themselves who have subsidiaries ineither Spanish- or English- speaking foreign countries. The students are supported financially by the Erasmus+ Aid Program.Thanks to these additional qualifications, these future specialists will be able to communicate and trade on a very high level withbusiness partners all around the world.

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