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Europäische Identitäten (Filmprojekt)
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The background for the one-year-film-project between the 2 colleges Heinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg (HHEK, Bonn, Deutschland) and the College of West Anglia (CWA, King’s Lynn, Großbritannien) is the longtime-existing partnership, which is marked through a close cooperation of both design departments since 2008. Both partners have been working together quit successfully as equal partners in the Comenius-Art-Project „SMART“ by focussing on the theme „European Identities“ and would like to continue.The project „European Identities“ addresses to 14 pupils and 6 teachers of the HHEK, who are interested in learning about and beeing involved in the realisation of a professional short film, right from the beginning ideas to the script, the ’Making-Of’, the digital postproduction up to the complementation and final presentation. The offer turns on to pupils visiting the vocational college HHEK in fulltime, who are doing an 3-year-apprenticeship as „Design-Technical-Assistant“. This pupils are learning the visual basics for the medium film (for example the creation of Scribbles for the professional Storyboard) in their school subject „Audiovision“. They are in their second year of the apprenticeship and the project as descripted here will be giving them access to the professional and exclusively film equipment of the CWA, owning a modern Filmstudio and a TV-Station for High-End-Productions, in a design-based and creative way.The Project aims for all participiants are formed by experiencing their visual creativity through the medium film by using their individual cultural identity as background. The main path is the formation of a cultural knowledge in relation to other (here: british) european identities. The improvement of language competence while teaching and learning foreign languages will furthermore a central aim to advance all participiants chances for living and working in a modern Europe. Moreover we would like to enhance the „Interculturel Skills“ of all participiants through their engagement on german and british stereotypes brought to them in this project in particular.The group of people going to participiat consists of 14 pupils and 6 teachers of the HHEK. Pupils going to England would be chosen by using an application procedure from a second-year-class doing a apprenticeship as „Design-Technical-Assistant“. The requested abilities fort he pupils will be good school grades in the main subjects, the application written in english language and of cause the pupils motivation for taking part in the project. All members of the chosen class will be completely taking part in the 1-year-duration of the film-project and keeping informed about the different production-steps in its realisation.Activity 1 encourages 14 pupils to visit an english Design-College CWA (King’s Lynn, Greatbritain) for getting professional Know-How and achieving practical knowledge regarding the medium film. Activity 2 (Teaching/Training asseignment) enables 5 teachers of the HHEK visiting the partner-college in Great Britain over a duration of 4 days for improving their language- and teamcompetence in regard to practicing their daily job as teachers. They will be taking part especially in professional film-workshops organized by the CWA in England. Finally Activity 3 (Staff training abroad) allows one teacher to attend a 7-day-learning-stay in England (here: Intensive language course).The project „European Identities“ will be having a highly positive effect on the motivation, tability for communication and aswell the learning of all participiants. In a practical way pupils and teachers will be working closely together on a real, professional and aswell modern Youth-Film-Project. The development process will be documented via filming and also presented on the website of both colleges. The film as a final result will be advertised in the public so that interested people could pay attention to it; the necessary advertising materials will be designed and published by all pupils of the chosen schoolclass. The final presentation (screening) will also be planned, organised and realised by them. As an official competition entry for divers Short-Film-Festivals the professional Youth-Short-Film will soon be reaching an interested audiance.
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