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Europäische Fiskal- und Geldpolitik
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Jean Monnet Module named "European Fiscal and Monetary Policy" establishes a new activity for the students in economics with an explicitly European focus. The Module rests of four pillars:1. A newly introduced course currently not offered in the department with an EU-focus which explains the European institutions and their interactions in detail. This enhances the interest and understanding of the students concerning EU-topics. Moreover, the course on EU-topics increases the job opportunities of the students especially in an open economy as Germany.2. Student visits to European institutions like the European Commission or the European Central Bank where students get a more detailed look into the operations of these institutions. Additionally, the visits foster the dialogue between the students and policy-makers.3. A teacher symposium to inform and influence the civil society in the metropolitan area of Giessen with respect to EU-topics. The ultimate goal of the symposium is to establish through the teachers an EU-focus in the curricula at schools and thus increase the knowledge on this topic beyond the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM).4. Support in research concerning European topics by Prof. Klose who is the coordinator of the Module. He is an expert in European fiscal and monetary policy as he worked as a policy advisor and has published extensively on European fiscal and monetary policy. With the additional funding this engagement could be increased significantly. Since the THM is currently not part of any Jean Monnet activity, the funding would be granted to an institution not yet in receipt of Jean Monnet funding.
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