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Europäische Bildung und Mobilität
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

I. Project background: Since 2009 we have been implementing transnational work experiences for disadvantaged young people in cooperation with the organisation IDEUM from Arvidsjaur/Sweden. Beyond the cooperation agreement, our two organisations have concluded a partnership agreement with regard to qualification of young people and VET staff members. II. Aims of the project: VET learners and disadvantaged young people without any VET education shall have the opportunity for a transnational work experience based on the partnership agreement and a learning agreement according to ECVET. This requires an intense cooperation of all actors. Disadvantaged young people shall be motivated to approach the labour market. III. Number/profile of participants: The project shall include 48 participants: VET learners from companies as well as disadvantaged young people with learning difficulties and without any VET diploma. IV. Description of activities and project proceedings: the project 'EUBIMO' shall be carried out in 4 rounds for a total of 48 participants, based on ECVET tools and for flexible lengths of work experiences. For this, we can count on our well organised regional network and our cooperation partner IDEUM. We will conclude an ECVET partnership agreement and a learning agreement with IDEUM. The project will include the following activities: - contacting companies, educational institutions, employment offices, job centres, VET schools in order to present the project; - defining necessary modules/learning units for the ECVET learning agreement; - finding participants and agreements with all actors; - carrying out a selection procedure; - preparing participants according to a prepared program; - agree on times and contents of the project implementation with cooperation partner in concluding ECVET partnership agreement; - search for matching companies for work experiences; - project leader books flights, organises lodging together with cooperation partner, provides additional insurance; - transnational work experience is implemented based on concerted learning agreement and reaching the desired learning results; - participants will be accompanied by a tutor. The transnational work experience will be followed up by an evaluation with participants and the partner. Participants will receive a Europass Mobility, a Europass CV as well as a job reference including an assessment of the work experience. St. Johannis GmbH carries out an internal evaluation and follows up on participants for another 12 months regarding development and sustainability. V. Description of desired results and effects as well as expected long-term benefit: We expect from participants that they: 1. examine and reflect upon themselves, what have I achieved, what else can I achieve; 2. improve their intercultural skills and show interest in other cultures; 3. recognise the importance of mobility and the communication needs of cultures; 4. recognise the additional value of the transnational work experience for their personal and professional development, improvement of their skills; 5. improve the way how they deal with foreign clients/colleagues; 6. recognise that they have the opportunity to work in all parts of Europe. From the involved organisations we expect that: 1. a large number of young people will be allowed to benefit from the opportunity of a transnational work experience ; 2. the transnational work experience is recognised as a learning result oriented qualification for VET purposes; 3. the added value of a transnational work experience for the personal and professional development of participants be recognised; 4. they recognise that transnational working experiences also entail an added value for VET companies themselves. We strive to: 1. improve significantly the acceptance of European mobilities and VET education in the form of transnational work experiences; 2. build up and reinforce/enlarge networks; 3. intensify our cooperation with companies and the implementation of transnational work experiences based on learning agreements and learning certificates; 4. increase the number of transnational work experiences by motivating VET learners; 5. cooperate further and more intensely with transantional partners; 6. we plan to publish learning result units we will have developed and the Europass template on the ECVET portal; 7. through the implementation of our project, we intend to support and foster the learning result oriented approach of the ECVET tools.

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