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Europa WORKS: Original Creative Attractive
Start date: May 30, 2016, End date: Dec 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project EWOCA (Europe Works: Original Creative Attractive) is meeting for young people from 3 Europe countries to work on the topic of WORK. This topic is relevant not only in Lithuania, but also among all Europe. While working with young people, we will try to show that work can be appealing and inspiring. It is important to have goal, do what you like, to get benefits for themselves and others. Lately, there are working a lot of with consequences of young people who are dropped out of education system, don‘t have work experience, education. Our project is preventive – to help for teenagers to feel WORK experience and realize themselves in the process. Work will be coordinated with the active leisure time, attendance of communities by gaining experience of project topic. Project will take place in Telšiai region, in Learning by Experience Centre in rural area. Participants will be young people from 14 to 17 years old, in total 24 youngsters from Germany, Spain and Lithuania (8 from each country). Plan is to have equal number of both genders. People from different cultures will spend 15 days together. They will be working in 3 groups: work, food and media. Each participant will have possibility to try themselves in all 3 groups. Work group will be responsible for creating the nice environment in Learning by Experience Centre: make a fireplace, from recycled and natural products will make outside oven, in which later will bake bread, make food. Later, this space will be used by other youngsters, local community, there will be possible to arrange educational programs. Food group will take care of making food for all participants. Media group will need to record everything, what happens in meeting and represent it for society.The project purpose is to develop young people awareness on work topic, to help them reflect on work experience, what emotions causes one or another work, raise their self-esteem on reflecting the carried out work, to enable them to act independently, to work in a team.Objectives:- To organize meeting for young people from 3 Europe countries and raise their awareness on project topic;- Make sure, that youngsters could use natural supplies from nature (stones, wood, clay and other materials) to create attractive space for leisure time, cook healthy, natural food on fire, in fireplace, in outside oven, record experiences (film, photography, making reportage) during meeting;- Create long lasting value having space for other youth, in where they can add more ideas and improvements.During the meeting, the group will get challenge – experiential hike around the lake Germantas, without any electronic devices, without comfort, taking just survival tools; 2 days bicycle tour, to show for young people how in easy way you can travel and see a lot of things. There will be youth workers working with the group, who will help reflect experiences, find weaknesses and strengths – what helps in our life and what we can refuse for better life for ourselves and for nature. We believe that these experiences will force young people to think about themselves as a conscious personalities, who knows what them seek is and their capabilities.Main topics and methods for the work with the group: Intercultural learning, experiential learning, team work, group reflections, individual talks, simulations. During youth exchanges gained experiences, understandings, discoveries and memories media group will record all the time. Later, from this material we will make brochure, which we will spread in various organizations and communities by presenting the project results.This project will have a long lasting impact for young person, who will actively work and reflect himself in intercultural environment, will gain trust, become more citizen, make more benefits for society. Youngsters created space in Learning by Experience Centre will have impact for other people, who will come there for various meetings, trainings, camps. Adults and community will change opinion about young person – they will see him as creating, not destroying person. Two weeks lasting meeting will help to bring closer different cultures youth. Youth workers from different countries will bring together their experiences and methods, the tighter relationship will help them plan new projects.

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