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Európa útjain a két tannyelvűség fejlesztéséért
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project called ”Európa útjain a két tannyelvűség fejlesztéséért” is the cooperation of Szabó Lőrinc Bilingual Primary and Secondary School. It aims to refresh the participants both linguistically and methodologically, thus contributing to the renewal of the comprehensive work performed in our school. The school started bilingual teaching in English 17 years ago and since then both the strategic plan of the school and teachers have conceived of the need for renewal and have wanted to widen the range of subjects taught in English. Teaching through two languages implies tasks that can only be accomplished by continuous cooperation, development and self-reflection from the teachers’ part. For this reason, 7 teachers from our school (3 lower-primary teachers and 4 upper-primary and secondary school teachers) took part in teacher training courses in Great-Britain as part of our project. The courses were chosen by taking both the participants' and the school’s professional needs into account, and it was of utmost importance that these courses provide all the key competences. All courses aimed for linguistic development together with the introduction of new methods, project approaches and cooperative techniques in teaching, as well as building international relations. Besides these, when choosing courses for the lower-primary teachers, new drama techniques, linguistic games and different European learning methods were really important factors. The main target of the teachers of science subjects was to enlarge their technical terminology and get to know new and rethink old methods when teaching bilingual classes. That is why they aimed for CLIL teacher trainings. One of our teachers of English wanted to enrich her repertoire of methods for teaching the Civilization of the target language. The other teacher of English was aiming to learn more about teaching special needs children with a focus on dyslexia. The mobilities were 7 days (1 person), 9 days (1 person) and 14 days (5 persons) long. The accomplishment of the project goes far beyond the completion of the courses. It has been a long term process including preparation and dissemination, both of which had solemn tasks and opportunities in store. During preparation participants learnt how to write proposals, allocate and coordinate tasks. Some of them took part in internal language courses and they all kept in touch with the host institution and the Klebelsberg Institution Maintenance Centre, too. Furthermore, they registered on eTwinning thus facilitating getting and keeping in touch with other schools and further connection building. One of our colleagues has already gained the official eTwinning logo for a project of her own. During dissemination participants spread the gained knowledge and skills with the help of workshops, articles, lectures and demo lessons; to colleagues, parents, teacher’s collectives and other professional forums (The Association for Bilingual Schools, International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, Nyelvparádé etc.). They created a subpage on Erasmus+ projects in English on the school’s website. As for our students, they have been involved in our project in different ways. With the help of their teachers they could look at everyday tasks with a whole new point of view and seeing the example set by them they can also grasp the importance of life-long learning and opportunities such projects hold. Moreover, thanks to the international relations that came to life following the courses, the organization of common European projects has started. In the short term the project results in the development of the participants' language skills as well as European experiences and professional development. However, in the long run it is highly significant for the school itself and its immediate and distant surrounding, too. The project yields an essential change in quality, new perspectives and devotion to the European dimension. As a proof of this, our school is running a project in the 2016-2017 Erasmus + period.

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