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Európa színei - Colours of Europe
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The youth group of the Iszkaszentgyörgy Nature and Environment Protectionist Association (short form: ITKE) carries out the programme entitled “Colours of Europe” with the French partner, Association Projets Jeunes. The endowments of Craon and Iszkaszentgyörgy are nearly the same, the adults and young people almost all know each other because of the twin town relation of the two settlements. With the programmes planned in the project our aim is that the 30 participating young persons should not only gain cultural knowledge, but after the closing of the project stay active members of the society, find their places in it and encourage them in taking on different roles in everyday life. Everyone participates in the activities with equal chance. While discovering each other’s countries, the youngsters learn cooperation with the partners from the other culture. The programmes introducing cultural diversity highlight the values of being European. During the whole span of the project the youth share and exchange thoughts, views about their ideas on Europe, its history and most importantly about the significance of their citizenship. The most important aim of the work is that the young adults participate in the forming of the project. We seek to extend the effect of the project not only on the participants, but on the local people and on those living its surrounding, thus strengthening and vitalizing local public life. In order to multiply the results of the project we cooperate with other active groups in the settlement and in the environment, we inform them about the closing and result of the project. We take up contact with leaders dealing with young people and with those working in the media. The knowledge gained will be shared via workshops after the closing of the project. As a continuation of the closed project we plan the realisation of the 2015 exchange programme in France. We plan to invite other national groups (based on the twin town relations). Communication via e-mail and chat will be continuous between the two groups.

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