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Europa på skoleskemaet
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Nordby Skole means to develop the product we are providing in order to meet the demands of a globalised world with increasing coorperate competition, a strengthened European identity and cooperation of all kinds so that the competences offered to and acquired by the students are in accordance with this. Therefore we need to strengthen our international profile, so students can choose to focus on the international dimension through the teaching they meet in class. In the beginning the focus is on foreign languages (English, German and Spanish) but in the longer perspective the profile should include all classes. This means that we need to enhance the qualifications of our staff, so they can be an active part of the proces. The enhancement consists of different levels, being both the means of encreasing the staff's European perspective and thereby rooting the international dimension throughout the organisation, but also in terms of acquiring concrete competences, knowledge and experiences. In this project the vice principal, the international coordinator and a selection of 14 school staff will be participating. The selection of the staff will firstly contain of the staff connected to teaching foreign languages, the kindergarten teachers and the teacher in charge of the 10th grade. . The participants of the project will through taking courses abroad, exchanging experiences and knowledge, develop concrete pedagogical and didactic initiatives to encrease the quality of our foreign language learning and teaching. We expect that we throughout the organisation will feel an enhanced focus on the international dimension, a strengthened European perspective and eye for the competences and values this perspective brings. We expect our students to experience enhanced learning of foreign languages, an encreased motivation for learning and education because of a greater relation between the knowlegde they acquire and the competences that they actually need in the future. We expect that the parents will feel a greater awareness regarding the students learning from the school and the staff, and thereby an encreased quality of learning. We expect that our organisation will be strengthened in its purpose and its work through this project.
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