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Europa offen, solidarisch und demokratisch leben – Training für Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the trilateral Project with Youth Leaders from Germany, France and Poland is to enable the participants to promote a positive image of Europe in their scout groups and associations. Together, we plan to develop and implement methods and activities, which will allow us to introduce European values, achievements of the European integration and the cultural diversity to children and young people. In this way, we want to counteract radical and anti-democratic tendencies in our countries.In a preliminary meeting, the preparation team will define the substantive focuses and draw up a detailed plan to implement a ten-day training of a multiplier group, consisting of five representatives from each participating country.In discussions with experts, during a visit to EU institutions in Brussels and other activities, the participants will acquire new knowledge about Europe, the European Union and current developments. The participants will not only expand and develop knowledge, but they will also apply their pedagogical skills, in order to develop ideas, methods and new approaches to implement in projects with children and young people.Therefore, a discussion addressing the various aspects of the European History and the current social developments must be reflected and put into the context of educational work with children and young people of different ages. This should enable us to develop methods, new approaches and game ideas, tailored to the special needs of any age group.The result of the project we expect is not only a skilled, well-informed group of multipliers, capable of speaking up for Europe, democracy and tolerance and against extremism. We also expect to develop a new package of methods for youth leaders, adapted to the needs of any age group. These results will be promoted within our associations, we also plan to make them available to all who are interested.During an evaluation meeting, the trilateral management team will evaluate the whole project and the implementation of the results within our three associations as well.

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