Search for European Projects

Europa - mokykla
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The participants of the project ,,Europe - School" are 18 Kupiskis Technological and Business School's students from 4 different training programs, 19 Vocational Education and Training Specialist. The main objectives of the project related to the students‘ needs: -To strenght students preparation for professional activity; -To improve the image of vocational training in Lithuania; -To deepen their foreign language (English) skills; -To develop intercultural competencies and social skills. The main objectives of the project related to the Vocational Education and Training Specialist needs: - Improvement of vocational training specialists technological competencies; - Improvement of vocational training professionals' competencies; - To improve the image of vocational training in Lithuania; - To deepen their foreign language (English) skills; - To develop intercultural competencies and social skills. Students participating in the project, in particular, to increase their professional skills as well as improve their foreign language skills and become familiar with the culture of another country - broaden social skills, which is especially important in rural areas for students. Vocational training specialists visits improve technological skills and professional competencies. This will ensure a smoother development process, they will be able to see their activities carried out by the EU's activities in the context of educational institutions, perhaps this will give them more self-confidence. Trainers are also seeking to test their professional competencies in other educational institutions - they not only monitor the process, but it also will conduct lessons in a real work activities. It is likely that the school administration and gained international experience will be more competetive in development of new training programs to find new ways to carry out drop out prevention, will gain more knowledge about the modular training, apprenticeship and mentoring, school ethos-building, school and employer cooperation.

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