Search for European Projects

Europa Ludens
Start date: May 1, 2012,

The project aims to get people who have creative professions and live in a European village to have their own cultural cooperation projects with their professional and amateur counterparts in other European villages. To do so, the partners, who have been connected in the network “Cultural Villages of Europe”, will organize three threads of cultural coopertion activity among the 11 villages in the network. The threads have two goals. First, they should function as examples of villagers can get a cooperative activity going with people in a different European village. To this end the entire process will be documented by a film crew, who will make a film of sufficient quality for European television networks. This film will show both how to get cultural cooperation going, and the benefits of having a cooperation project for a village with a village in a different part of Europe. We will also publish the written experiences of those involved on a website.Second, it should provide a solid base for sustained cultural cooperative projects among the villagers involved in the threads themselves. In our experience, for this to happen, it is sufficient to simply get them to participate in a single joint activity. This shows them the enjoyment and benefits of working with other villagers on a European level.Instrumental musicians, wood sculptors and choirs will, in three different threads within the project, travel to one (or more) of the villages in the Cultural Village network. They will perform their art together, getting to know each other and establishing a basic social network that transcends nation states. The thee threads are the following: - “Connecting musicians in the Villages”: jazz musicians connect musicians local to the 11 villages through playing together- “Making sculptures on a European theme: Nativity”: sculptors from the 11 villages build a sculpture together- “Rural European Song”: choirs from the 11 villages make a musical together

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2 Partners Participants