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Europa Kształci Zawodowo
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

„Europa Kształci Zawodowo” is a VET mobility project, aimed at the learners of Zespół Szkół nr 3 im. Mikołaja Kopernika in Wieluń. The main recipients of the proposed activities are the learners of the II and III classes, learning for the following professions: IT technician, sales specialist, hotel service specialist; in the school year of 2014/2015. The project provides for the mobility of 32 learners and the vocational training will be conducted in companies and hotels in Ireland and Italy.   The proposed project is a response to the needs of the contemporary labour market is Poland, as well as abroad. Globalisation has introduced, also in Poland, enormous changes is the process of human resources management and the work culture of companies. The project responds to those changes, by giving the learners of ZS 3 an opportunity to get their first work experience in an international environment. The professions which the students of our schools are learning, constitute, according to the Polish Central Statistical Office, a very dynamically expanding market, on which new work places constantly appear and yet companies find it difficult to recruit qualified specialists, that meet their requirement. The deficit of qualified professionals on the local and national market is another reason why this application is being submitted. Youth with certified work experience, well-developed soft skills and the ability to speak professional English constitutes a candidate ready for the challenges of the labour market. One should also mention a very goal of the project – the increase of mobility, that is the ability to relocate in order to find work in a different city or even country. Additionally, building an intercultural dialogue, developing empathy, tolerance, which are required for the correct functioning of young people in international companies. Work in international corporations requires good teamwork and communication skills.   The project provides for a cycle of preparation activities prior to the departure of the participants – a pedagogical, cultural and linguistics courses. All courses will be conducted by qualified and experienced trainers, which will ensure a high level and ensure the achievement of the goals (increase of linguistic and interpersonal competences). The project outcomes will be widely disseminated, the schools will involve the local media, public benefit organisations, parents, the local government or representatives of local companies, who will also support the learners prior to the departure (by i.e. help in the preparation of the vocational training programme)   The participation in the project should increase the motivation for further professional and personal development, in accordance with the principles of lifelong learning but also encourage the participants to use the opportunities offered by other forms of mobility in the Erasmus+ programme.
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