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Europa in Farbe- l´Europe en couleur
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: May 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This year we celebrate the 10th anniversary of partnership between the two regions Saxony-Anhalt and Centre. On this occasion we want to organize a youth exchange between these two regions. The German hosting association is « Friedenskreis Halle » and on the french side it is « centre franco-allemand de Touraine ». The title of the integrative youth project is « Europe in colors ». It points towards two things: First, it stands for the topic of our project – graffiti. Further it symbolizes the cultural diversity of Europe and of our youth exchange. The 24 participants from France and Germany are motley. Students from high school, orphanage, youth with migration background, and students with special needs or youth from rural areas will be part of the project. Prejudices shall be overcome, everyone shall be able to participate without fearing to be discriminated against. After the playful get-to-know on the first day we will show the city of Halle in an interactive manner. Therefore, the participants from Halle will prepare a rallye in advance. Every day starts with a language animation. Working languages are German and French, a language facilitator is present during all the activities. Then we will work in the graffiti project, in which the city of Halle offered professional support. At the end the young people will have created their common german-french graffiti. In order to strengthen the group bound and to learn about each other, we plan different activities like an afternoon in a public swimming pool or museum visits. For the evening we offer games which support the intercultural learning. We also plan a trip to Berlin after completing the graffiti. Thus our participants with fewer opportunities have the opportunity to visit the German capital. In addition we use this occasion to promote our project. Besides visiting famous sights we would like to visit the French-German Youth Office and the French Embassy. The youth exchange shall provide a good balance between learning and fun. The participants improve their language skills and obtain an insight in the meaning of graffiti. Furthermore, they improve their intercultural competences through becoming aware of the similarities and differences between Germans and French. We think that it is very important to include young people. Their proposals, wishes and desires shall be incorporated. In order to support the recognition of non-formal learning and to show the learning progress we will use “learning badges”, a method developed on European level ( The project “GOEUROPE” c/o LKJ organization supports us. We want to render possible a unique mobility experience to the young people, help them to make European friends, to learn the partner language and to develop an interest in the other country and culture. The reduction of stereotypes and the development of intercultural competences are in the center of the project.

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