Europa in Bewegung - Filme über Menschen und Gruppierungen, die sich in Europa auf den Weg mach(t)en. / Europe in motion - movies about people and groups that got/get on the track through Europe.
Europa in Bewegung - Filme über Menschen und Grupp..
Europa in Bewegung - Filme über Menschen und Gruppierungen, die sich in Europa auf den Weg mach(t)en. / Europe in motion - movies about people and groups that got/get on the track through Europe.
Start date: Jan 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2016
The topic "Europe in motion - movies about people and groups that got/get on the track in Europe" can be handled and transformed by the volunteers into a film by different points of view. For example the confrontation with historically migrations or migration movements that result from the open borders within the EU is conceivable. It is strongly encouraged that volunteers incorporate their personal story and perspective into the production, if it is possible for them.
As in our national volunteer programs, our first concern is to offer the EVS volunteers new learning experiences in the field of film and television media, which leaves a lot room for creativity. We see this as an important contribution for the vocational orientation or even the informal qualification for a further vocational training or a tertiary education of the volunteers.
Another result are the film and TV broadcasts that emerge from the project. These will be broadcasted via the different channels of the “Open channel Wettin” (terrestrial signal - up to 160.000 households, Internet streaming, YouTube), and disseminated through the website of the sending organization. Hereby several hundredthousand spectators / internet users will be reached nationally and internationally.
In the long term we expect from the project the cooperation with the partners within other programs of Erasmus + and the strengthening of the importance of the European voluntary service and the participation of young people in the community media in Europe.
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