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Europa als Schwungrad für die nationale Erwachsenenbildung
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The requirements on adult education are ever-expanding. Participants ask for flexible, specific and innovative learning opportunities – learning as an event. For our educational work with the aim to fulfil the requirements of our target groups we need skills and competencies that are not always available in adult education organizations. We know from our own experience that international workshops abroad are a good opportunity to gain important skills and competencies. Leaving the own sphere of action, changing perspectives, looking at oneself and the own educational work supports the personal development. We had the aim to improve the quality of our own educational work and to support our regional partners to improve their educational work by benefiting from the experiences and professionality of our European partners. Furthermore we expected to strengthen our existing European partnerships and to establish new ones. In addition we also wanted to strengthen the relationships among the several organizations next to our own network. 33 persons, working in the field of adult education in Thuringia participated in learning mobilities in Spain, Greece and Bulgaria. The participants work for different adult education organization with different learning opportunities to offer and different structures. Amongst them were managers, pedagogical staff, freelance trainers, voluntary educators and administrative staff. They participated in 6 different activities. 31 participated in structured learning courses. One course was offered in Athens on the topic of "art-based learning to support the learning competence of learners". In Bulgaria a course was offered on the topic "public relations in adult education". In Sevilla participants went to two courses on the topic of "strategical project development and management". 2 participants did an internship in organizations in Sevilla and Sofia. The topics were "consulting, project development, project implementation and management referred to ERASMUS +" and "European networking and development of common European mobility projects". The experiences of the participants they gained during their learning mobility continued to have an effect for a long time. They have been highly motivated to implement their learning results in their daily work and to pass them to their colleagues. Many of them came back to Germany with the intention to improve their English language skills. Especially high was the motivation of the participants to use the opportunity of learning mobilities again. When indicated they wanted to promote own mobility projects in their organizations. For many of the participants it was important to get reassurement for their educational work done so far. Especially freelance trainers and voluntary educators, who quite often have no direct pedagogical staff training recognized a theoretical frame for their educational work. As an additional effect the participants want to visit again the countries where they had been during their learning mobility. Meeting the people and the culture of the countries was evaluated as a great personal enrichment. Interests had been aroused in countries and regions, which the participants never before considered as places to go to. That applies especially for Bulgaria and Greece. The participants have been very interested in the political and economic situation of these countries and the referred problems. The participants became open minded for Europe by recognizing the geniality of the people and that no one has to be afraid of foreign cultures and languages. They further on opened their organizations for European educational work and raised more interest in learning mobilities. The requests for participating in our learning mobility project increased. And our regional cooperation partners asked for consulting, because they intend to aply for mobility projects for their own organization. Our European partners evaluated the possibility to offer the course as very enriching. They recognized how participants were involved into the course gladly and gained very good learning results. As an effect our European partners also want to apply for mobility projects to offer this possibility to adult educators of their country. We in our organization benefited from the offered learning topics and gained a lot of knowledge and skills. Within our organization the recognition of the importance of European project work as an important element for our regional educational work increased. Furthermore our cooperation with our partners have been refreshed and extended. Also new cooperation have been established and our network grows nationaly and internationaly. The results of this project led to a second mobility project which is also running very good. And we also intend to apply for a third one to react on the requests for learning mobilities by adult educators in Thuringia.
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