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Euroopa kogemusega Eesti tööturule
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Communicating with TTHK students it was revealed that many of them are interested in participating in mobility project, because this opportunity increases the professional motivation, is an advantage later in the labor market and helps to acquire new knowledge and skills. International experience enriches one vocational student’s life and provides better prospects in his future career. Survey made by European Commission says that employers prefer employees with international experience, because they are more efficient, more responsible and disciplined than the average vocational school leaver (Source: Eurokratt article, 6 Oct 2014). Survey conducted in 2013 shows that international experience broadens the horizons and makes young people more confident in the labour market (Source: Rahvusvahelise töökogemuse mõju noorte palgasoovidele, Mari-Liis Emmo).Based on the above discussion and already made surveys, the implementation of the project "The Integration of the European Experience in the Estonian Labour Market" is important, because this project helps to understand the rapidly changing labor market and internationalization. We have much to learn from other EU countries, whether it be a manner, technical skill or useful knowledge, which they can later use in Estonian labor market and society.According to the school's vision TTHK is the biggest international lifelong learning center for 2025. The project objectives based on the school's development plan, Lifelong Learning Strategy 2020, the above named surveys, conversations with students, and are as follows:- to support the students' entrepreneurial spirit by enabling them the experience of working and studying in Europe, which is advantageous in applying a desired job;- to understand the importance of lifelong learning guided by ECVET (European VET - Accounting System) principles;- to motivate the participants for continuous professional development and create good advantages in entering and remaining in the labor market;- to examine culture differences and compare work cultures for expanding horizons; - to make vocational education more international and more attractive;The project partners are TTHK’s long-term partner schools in Finland, who have professional competence, good reputation in the eye of employers and other partners. For the first time TTHK cooperates with Summa College in the Netherlands. They are a leading organization for senior secondary vocational education in the Eindhoven Brainport Region. During 2016-2018 TTHK sends in mobility 32 students from The participant needs to be at least 18 years old and has to have non-school practice in her/his curricula and she/he has obtained study results needed for practice. The candidates present motivation letter and e-school extract will be added to it. Mobility takes place in autumn and spring training period. Memorandum of Understanding will be concluded with the partner schools and TTHK will organize monitoring visits to schools and practice locations. Mobility project will be managed by project manager who puts the team together, communicates with partners and organizes mobility. The results of mobility will be spread on school website, social media and in different students’ fairs in Estonia. Training period will be recognized by issuing the Europass Mobility. The number of ECVET points allocated to a qualification by employer. After the mobility the participants are professionally motivated, they have new knowledge and skills, which they can use in the labor market. Participants’ foreign language skills have improved, and they have become more open, more entrepreneurial, more responsible. They have got the experience of living, studying and working abroad, which creates good advantages in entering and remaining in the labor market. Participants understand the importance of lifelong learning and are able to assess their professional and social progress.Cooperation between the partners has gained momentum and cooperation network has been established. Vocational Training opportunities have expanded and professional training has become more attractive among students and the general public.
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3 Partners Participants