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Euromobilumas - pagreitis verslumui
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project gives an opportunity for 8 young people studying in the machinery maintenance worker's, rural tourism organizer's, hair stylist's and cooker's programs at Dieveniskes School of Technology and Enterprise to have vocational practice in Kayseri, Turkey. These professions have perspective in local and regional work area but reality shows that our regional labor market lack motivated young specialists with enough practical vocational knowledge skills and competence. This happens not only because the graduates from our school not only have favorable conditions for starting up in their native and near-about region, but, also young people do not have entrepreneurship skills. They lack self-confidence, courage and inspiration to build their own small or family business or to create a workplace for themselves. This project aims to help the participant to acquire the courage, self-confidence and determination to build their own business through acquiring entrepreneurship skills. Results of the project are expected both for eight trainees of mobility and school personal. Because pf participating in the project students will get practical skills, motivation, knowledges which comply with the requirements on the machinery maintenance worker, rural tourism organizer, hair stylist and cooker programs. Also, one of the most important thing that they will reduce their risk of social exclusion. Probably they will interested in desire, to achieve goals and take root in labor market. Meanwhile Dieveniskes School of Technology and Enterprise will be able to improve project teams general processes, program development, evaluation competence, skills and to prepare entrepreneurship training into the school's main auxiliary processes.

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