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Euromobilité Erasmus +, un levier pour l'emploi
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Through ERASMUS +, Pôle emploi wants to propose to job-seekers a European mobility opportunity. It will allow them to get additional skills and to benefit from further tools in order to promote their integration into the labour market. 125 000 people registered in Pôle emploi declared their wishes to benefit from European or international mobility. Having set up Leonardo da Vinci programmes for many years, Pôle emploi reassures its position among European mechanisms and promotes European and international mobility as a return-to-work tool. The ERASMUS + project of Pôle emploi will complete the mechanisms already used by our services. A European mobility experience is a major asset to find a sustainable job. European mobility programmes still stay unreachable for a part of the population and especially the less skilled, whereas they are the most concerned by the added value of such an experience. These needs in mind, we choose to target specific countries on the basis of the demand about mastering a new language, and specifically the English language, but also on the basis of the employment needs in the other European countries. This is an ambitious project that aims to allow 600 persons to get a 3 or 6 months experience abroad, during the 2 years of the programme. The participants will be recent graduates (young graduates or job seekers that just benefited from a professional training consistent with their employment application). They must have some shortcoming in the mastery of a foreign language required to take up a job in their own territory. They will be selected by the regional teams of Pôle emploi, taking into account the labour market situation and the sustainable posting possibilities thanks to an added linguistic skill. As soon as they are selected, they will have access to the linguistic platform. Each participant will get help from a Pôle emploi adviser responsible of his follow-up. They will also benefit from a departure preparation at least 15 days before their actual departure. During this preparation by the teams of Pôle emploi (mostly Pôle emploi/EURES advisors) they will receive a departure kit (plane/train tickets, host address, company contacts, travel documents, local contact, etc.). Since they are back, the interns will have a debriefing day to complete their Participant Report with the help of their supervisor that will also update their professional profile to start a new job search process with the new competences they get thanks to the mobility experience. The management of the process will be devolved to the regions. As soon as we receive the acceptance of our project, a call for applications will be launched to the Regional Managers of Pôle emploi, so they will name an ERASMUS + coordinator. A first work meeting with the voluntary regions will be set up in early July 2014. The financial delegation modalities will be defined during this meeting. Each regional coordinator will be responsible for the ERASMUS + national project management. Every 3 months, we will take stock of the follow-up of the implementation of the programme by the regions. If necessary, it will be the occasion to rebalance the grants accorded between the regions. At the national level, 2 representatives and 1 administrative assistant will be in charge of the project management, under the authority of the Head of International Mobility and Placement Unit, inside the International Affairs and Relationships Board, at the Directorate General of Pôle emploi. The main objective of the project is to allow 600 people to master a foreign language to facilitate them a sustainable integration into the labour market. Moreover, the project allows a 3 or 6 months experience abroad to people that would never have thought about European mobility as an added professional value. This immersion must give them the opportunity to develop additional technical skills by facing new production methods. During the two years of the project, we want to reach the objective of integrating European and international mobility in the “classical” actions of Pôle emploi advisors.
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