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Eurolinks XI
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Period: 2004 - 2010 The Eurolinks programme- covering Leonardo Mobility Exchange and Placements - started in 2004. Since the Call 2005 the programme has been continued by the newly founded ROC van Twente under the supervision of its International Office (IO). The International Mobility flows in IVT and Vetpro grew: uniformity in process and regulations - improved quality - led to an increased impact within the institution. Result: continuously growing numbers of participating ROC-departments and participants - IVT as well as Vetpro - in successive Calls 2005, 2006 , 2007,2008, 2009 and 2010. In the meantime a number of basic improvements was implemented : - improvement of ROC internal procedures: in 2008 the project administration was incorporated in the ROC Project office ( back- and front office) - an internal network of coordinators internationalization ( on MBO College and team level) has been installed - supporting procedures and tools were developed and implemented on ROC level: ROC van Twente Guideline for International Mobility, Digital Application Form, Insurance Brochure etc. - a large international network of reliable exchange partners in (almost) all European countries was developed Overall a strong organization, capable of implementing international mobility projects, was created. 2011-2014 In 2011 board and managementeam ROC van Twente launched a new strategy document on Internationalization in 4 perspectives: Student, Employee, MBO College and ROC van Twente. With regard to student- and staff mobility new policies and objectives were defined, to be implemented in future mobility calls: 2011, 2012, 2013 and current Erasmus Plus Call 2014. Student Mobility: objective: strenghtening the employability by developing international competences. policy: Competence-based learning is in the heart of our VET. We offer an inspiring learning environment in which students can develop professional as well as social competences. Through an international workplacement abroad, participation in study tours, exchanges and international projects students get the opportunity to improve their professional, communication and intercultural skills in an international setting. Staff Mobility Objectives: - professionalizing staff and improving the quality of VET - creating awareness of the international dimension in VET /labour market developments - orientation in the international branch-specific VET- field Policy: participation in international mobility and activities reinforces the professional, didactic and pedagogical skills of staff. By participating in international activities (study visits, language trainings or workplacements abroad) teachers will be able to share and enrich their professional expertise and to reflect on their own educational and teaching concepts from different perspectives. It will motivate and revitalize them. Since then management and staff of ROC van Twente work- with renewed enthusiasm - on the realization of the strategy and the objectives. In the implementation of the Mobility IVT and Vetpro Call 2013 this has led to an explosion of student and teacher mobility. Mid-term (June 2014) the available budgets allocated for the Call 2013 IVT and VETPRO were already deployed. Results over the years : best performances in successive Mobility Calls as well as excellent scores in midterm- and final reports. 2015 – 2017 In line with this structural development, the new international challenges (the new internationalization agenda -Ministery of Education , the new ambitions in Quality - and Excellence Plan ROC van Twente - theme International Mobility) will be elaborated by redesigning curricula and implementing new programs ( free elective modules ) on internationalization on all levels . This will give international mobilty an extra boost. With the help of this Erasmus Plus Mobility Application Eurolinks XI ROC van Twente forcefully wants to stimulate this growth and expansion for the period 2015 – 2017: objectives per activity / target group in numbers of participants Activity 1: Staff training abroad 44 Activity 2: Training/teaching assignments abroad 10 Activity 3: VET learners in companies 199 Activity 4: VET learners in vocational institutes 25 Total: student mobilities 224 per year, Staff mobilities 54 per 2 year. ROC van Twente is ready for it: in terms of policy development, the embedding of policy and structure in the organization, the available expertise and experience.
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