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Start date: Nov 2, 2016, End date: Nov 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Project is called EuroInternships because it includes students/graduates and teachers mobilities in several EU countries, namely Spain Finland, UK and Germany. It involves recently graduate students (23), teachers (4 as staff mobility and 1 accompanying a group of students) belonging to different professional areas in our school.Besides, the project aims at contributing to decrease the school dropout rate, to improve the number of students that conclude their courses. With this activity we also intend to improve the connection between school and companies and the integration of our graduate students in the labour market, thus leading to a deacrease in young people’s unemployment rate. We also assume that the integration of different professional areas and a strong technical component will provide wide knowledge that highly qualified Portuguese technicians exist, which can facilitate their future acceptance and integration in the European Labour Market.The students and recently graduated will participate in a 31-day internship, the teachers will be part of a mobility which will last for 8 or 6 days at partner schools so they can observe classes, hold work meetings and visit companies in the same countries/cities. This project continues the process of internationalization held by the school and it contributes to execute its Strategic Plan of European Development (SPED). The mobilities will occur between june and October 2017.As far as the students are concerned the project includes the following items:- Vocational training: promoting students and graduates technical and professional skills; improving their integration in the Portuguese and European labour market;- Cultural knowledge: contacting with different cultures, new types of organization, different working methods;- Linguistic competences, developing the knowledge of the English, Spanish, German or Finnish Languages;- European Citizenship, enabling the development of an European conscience and a notion of the European Labour Market.If we consider the teachers, the project includes aspects related to their technical and pedagogical competences, i.e. methods and educational techniques, innovating projects/technologies or the articulation between school and companies.The project will be developed by ENSINUS – ETP, along with the teachers and students/recently graduates of the several vocational courses taught by INETE and having two foreign vocational schools as partners -IES San Clemente (Galiza – Spain) and WInNova (Finland) – as well as three intermediary partners - InternEurope (Belfast - UK), Twin Training International (London - UK) and Berlink ETN GmbH (Berlin - Germany). The participants will have all the support locally of the schools and institutions involved, and our support at distance through email, facebook closed group, facebook chat/ gmail, skype, drive-gmail. We will also implement an etwinning project, which will allow teachers to work cooperatively at school and students while in mobility.If we consider the results at an experience level, a great professional and personal development is expected for the students involved– having young people motivated to carry on with their school and professional careers in a global world. Regarding teachers, new strategies and teaching methods are also expected, as well as plans to improve the articulation between school and companies. These are supposed to be applied in classes and in the interships to be held for third-year students. The good practices will be disseminated to the whole school. We consider that the school community should increase its involvement in international partnerships and we intend to promote and value vocational courses. At a national level we would to contribute to disseminate good practices and value professional training.The final products will be developed between June and October, including journals, reports, videos, presentations, module planning, support documentation, etc. These products will be aimed at and present to different publics (school community, business associations, students, teachers from other schools, National Agency Technicians).
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5 Partners Participants