Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project " EuroForma2 " prmoted by Salesianos Manuel Lora Tamayo from Jerez will be implemented through two mobility flows coinciding with the period of the Training Module in Work Centres during the academic years 2016-17 and 2017-18.The project will involve 20 students in the second year of intermediate training cycles of different specialties of our center, including Machining, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Electrical Systems and Automatic Welding and Boiler, Telecommunication Facilities and Electromechanical Motor Vehicle.Participants of this project will have the opportunity to participate in an internship in companies in Vienna (Austria) specialized in the corresponding job profiles for our students. Being a completely practical training programme oriented towards the current needs of the job market, our students have the opportunity to acquire professional and personal skills during this 12 -week internship.We believe Austria, the country where the project development will take place, to be a great place for the realization of this mobility programme, due to its clear vocation training and its economical growth.Within this project we have marked a series of objectives for our students;1. Provide additional training value for our students as professionals that make them more competitive in the job market.2. Improving their English level and acquiring basic knowledge of German as well as encouraging learning and improving language skills in general.3. Promote the mobility of our students at a European level.4. Increase the motivation of our students to continue learning throughout their professional life.5. Increase the development of autonomy and self-esteem of our students.The impact that we are looking for with this project will be reflected in:1. An increased rate of job placement of our students.2. An dncreased rate of students continuing their studies in Higher Grade Cycle Training.3. Promoting multilingualism.4. Improvement of the quality of educational provision and the image of our center.5. Creating synergies with companies and social partners.6. Contribute to the objectives of Education and Training Strategic Framework 2020.

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