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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The secondary school for vocational training René Couzinet welcomes pupils coming in part from a rural social background . The school trains them, amongst other fields, to business studies at a vocational baccalaureat level. The teaching staff want to optimize the chances of success of their most willing and deserving pupils with the elaboration of this Erasmus+ Mobility project.The vocational school René Couzinet is firmly open to Europe , it has already been running a Comenius program for several years. In September 2012, a European course in English was open for pupils preparing a 3 year business studies Vocational Baccalaureat. This European course in English runs two years now.Pupils get an extra one hour lesson every week in professional English in “seconde, premiere” and “terminale”. On top of that, compulsory one hour weekly ICT specific classes in English have been set up for all levels.The pupils who will join the project are often from an underprivileged background who don’t get the opportunity to benefit from language courses that would enable them to improve their practice of English. Our potential 18 candidates will therefore be selected on a voluntary basis. Thus, we will only enrol highly motivated and responsible pupils.These selected pupils from our Business studies Vocational Baccalaureat class will go to Malta according to the following planning: 8 pupils from the European course in January 2017 , then a second group (10 pupils) in January 2018 .These trips will therefore take place in Malta, during the final year at school ( terminale) in the Vocational Business studies course. The pupils will be in full immersion in firms that will work in close collaboration with the lycée René Couzinet, through the service provider Easy Job Bridge.The service provider will make weekly assessments and will forward them to the lycée René Couzinet.The mediator that we have chosen will place one pupil per family and firm, in order to give a personal touch to the supervision and the expected effort. They will be responsible for the follow up of the training course, will ensure an appropriate placement for each pupil so that this professional experience in Europe will be as enriching as possible.We have deliberately chosen a culturally and economically dynamic location: Malta. We will send a translated convention to be signed by each firm before the beginning of the training period.We will personally go and visit the firms in order to assess the quality and the quantity of work as well as the results that our pupils will have attained at the end of their training course according to an official assessment grid of acquired skills and regular attendance.When they come back to France, the students with write a work experience report wich they will use for an oral exam so as to evaluate the progres made in English and to add value to their experience abroad. We will distribute this report as much as necessary. They will also be sollicitated different teachers (in order to exchange with) and other students to inform them about this Européen project.The student will produce a slide show and posters which will be displayed on the school open day.The pupils will also be able to narrate their experience on the school website, via e-lyco, and also via their e-twinning account.A certain number of reporting tools will be created to follow the evolution of our students in the short, medium and long terms. These tools will also allow us to measure the impact of the project on the standing of the school.Objectives and expected resultsAt the level of the beneficiaries:-improving their linguistic skills-confronting the pupils to a new cultural, social and professional environment-encouraging them to carry on studyingAt the level of the partnership:-Giving the possibility to the pupils to estimate the opportunities of working in Europe through a comparison with the working methods of other countries.-Giving the opportunity to the youngsters to integrate well in a specific professional environment.At the level of the institution:-making it easier for the pupils to acquire a feeling of European citizenship- highlighting the abilities of our pupils.The goals aimed at are to establish the principle of professional mobility in Europe thanks to four week professional training courses in Maltese firms.
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