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euroCall: European Centers for Adult Lifelong Learning

The low participation in adult education especially in the Eastern and Southern regionsof Europe is a challenge. The euroCALL project is designed to develop, support andlink together new centres or sites for nonformal free adult lifelong learning in countrieswhere such centres are highly needed and with weak adult education traditions. TheeuroCALL project is based on a strong synthesis of the Scandinavian adult educationtraditions and the many years of best practice of the Università delle LiberEtà in Udine,Italy.With the implementation of the activities the project aims to integrate a Europeandimension in the programmes and practices of the centres and sites involved, from thevery beginning and in the core values of the environments. The project will focus on thedesign, planning and testing of the practical implementation of transnational interactionbetween the centres in the participating countries by promoting mobility amongmanagers, teachers and adult learners and by integrating transnational communicationin the different kinds of adult learning activities.The project will integrate a language training dimension in all kinds of adult learningactivities in the centres, based on the CLIL principles launched by the EuropeanCommission; it will introduce communicative ICT training in all kinds of adult learningactivities in the centres to enable teachers and adult learners to practice Europeancommunication; it will establish pre-entering counselling and guidance for adult learnersto improve their ability to identify their professional and personal learning needs and toidentify professional and personal talents, that could be integrated as resources in thecourse activities. The final aim of the euroCALL project is to create a practice based,well described and documented and easy to use Model for establishing new adultlearning environments in Eastern and Southern Europe:

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