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EuroBook Buddies
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EuroBook Buddies is a project aimed at supporting students in five schools in England, Turkey, Poland, Italy and Greece to explore past and present book making and publication technologies and use these to learn about the stories, cultures, traditions, daily life, geographical and historical features of our partner European countries. We believe that story telling is a powerful way for all generations to pass on their knowledge and experiences. Our pupils will be involved in researching and presenting information and will explore traditional stories, family histories, histories of towns and buildings, stories of feasts and celebrations, songs and poems, instructions for traditional games and recipes, stories about family life and school life. To support the students in recording their versions of the many stories they will hear and read, the teachers from each country will work together to find effective teaching methods. In particular they will investigate ways to improve basic literacy skills for the many children in our schools who have barriers to overcome in their learning. The relationships between our teachers, students and parents will be nurtured by visits to each others’ schools over a period of two years during which work will be exchanged and detailed plans made for the next activities. This will be supported by the building of a website where all our joint work will be shared and enjoyed by all. Each book activity will involve classes from the three schools writing their own versions. Some books will be made collaboratively with all partners contributing sections. These will be illustrated using a range of artistic media. Pupils will also prepare and rehearse oral stories to tell and film. These will be published in a variety of ways including, bound paper books, pop-up books, digital multi-media books, interactive books where readers can make choices about the route to follow. By the end of the project each school will have built up a library of rich material painting a picture of life in the countries of their partners. The technical skills needed to create such resources will become part of the curriculum, with teachers and students identifying the new capabilities they will need. These might include book binding, photograph and film editing, programming, uploading to websites and social network sites such as Youtube, using blogs to share ideas and comment on others work. Where needed, specialist training will be found, but much will be learned by school ‘experts’ (both children and adults) developing tutorial resources for pupils and colleagues to use. The language of the project will be English which presents a challenge to those whose first language is different (including those in the English school). Support through glossaries and translation tools will be developed. All participants will be encouraged to improve their knowledge of basic vocabulary of the languages of the other countries, particularly during visits to hosting schools. It is hoped that the knowledge and skills gained will lead to long term relationships between the partner schools being maintained beyond the life of the project as schools become skilled in using technology for global communication and aware of the benefits in sharing teaching methods and improving students’ achievements.

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4 Partners Participants