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EUROBEING: Generation Y - our challenges and chances
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Youth Exchange "EUROBEING - an international youth event full of edutainment" is aimed to participants aged 18 until 30 years, who wish to deal with the issue of Generation Y in English. We have 5 participants from each country coming from: Germany, Italy, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, Spain and Austria. The singular participants of the partners are from the countries that are mentioned above and will be selected by the program coordinator of each partner organization. There are criteria like the language English and the age. Landjugend Niederösterreich will also choose the participants with a special selection process. The participants from Landjugend Niederösterreich will be enthusiastic and international interested youths from rural regions. Their knowledge in English is good enough to communicate in the workshops. The background of this project is the illumination of the subject from different points of view as well as the conflict in terms of differences in generations mixed with the culture. Our objectives are to communicate in English, the discussion focused on the generation Y and getting to know other people from the different countries.The participants of each partner organization will prepare each workshop at home. Even during the youth exchange the participants will be actively involved, e.g. one group will be responsible for marketing. We are planning an unforgettable week in the horticultural school in Langenlois including a spectacular program: At the beginning (arrival day and at the first seminar day) we have planned welcome, icebreaker and team building games. There will be one day without technology. It’s nearly not possible to “live” without technology nowadays so it will be a special challenge. There will be workshops on the topic of Generation Y: each partner country will prepare a workshop. The topics of the workshops have been discussed with the partner organizations. The participants can participate during the week and bring their own ideas. Landjugend Niederösterreich has planned one day with host families, in detail with members of Landjugend Niederösterreich. They can get to know some other parts of Austria and Lower Austria. The size of the group is small, so we are expecting a strong dynamic in the group and we hope that there will develop friendships that continue after the youth exchange. Landjugend Niederösterreich hopes that we can inspire youths and young grownups of other countries and cultures and that they will develop a passion for following international projects and journeys. The English level of the participants will increase. Nobody of the participating partner countries has English as their mother tongue and during the week the participants will lose the timidity of using English. We try to give a chance for intercultural dialogue and communication on the same level concerning the topics cultural diversity and tolerance. This shall lead to thinking critically and to be more proactive during the international week and even afterwards. On the one hand Landjugend Niederösterreich hopes to inspire the participants of Lower Austria for thinking and doing international and also for intercultural dialogue and understanding and on the other hand other members of the organization Landjugend Niederösterreich. There will be one evening where also external members of Landjugend can visit the event. The guests should feel the harmony and friendship and feel free to get to know other international youths. Landjugend Niederösterreich will be the host of a seminar of European Rural Youth. The youth exchange can be a good advertisement for the event in the following year.
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5 Partners Participants