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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Given the Europe 2020 objectives and considering especially part OE 2. Improve the quality and efficiency of education and training, our project aims to help students to adapt themselves to the business requirements at EU level, acquiring specific skills in order to complement their training and improve understanding of the economic and social environment of the country of destination, while gaining work experience , and an improvement in their language skills, increasing their employment expectation and behaviors for developping an active european citizenship.Project will last two years with the same partner. Our will is to send 12 students for 2017 and 10 for 2018.Selected participants will be 22 students from intermediate level : 2nd year of administrative management and microcomputer systems and networks , between 17 and 20 who will perform an internship at French companies in Rillieux La Pape-France . They will be accompanied at all time by a tutor responsible for the proper running of the project and monitoring their placement .The Planned Activities Phase has been established according to a schedule detailing the activity date , subject, object , students involved , company and responsible teacher. This fits in the Kanban planning method described in paragraph I3 covering the Preparatory phase with the preparation of documents , contacts and planning agreements with partner institution, arranging meetings, candidate selection, broadcasting and explanation of the project to the community , planning and drafting logistics etc .The Phase of Realization include the implementation and monitoring of work placements , training to receive from the partner institution with participation in classrooms in conjunction with the French beneficiaries, that allows them to notice other approaches and work processes , promoting coexistence, exchange of ideas and experiences with students studying the same specialty in an intercultural context .The involvement of students in a different cultural and social environment , must inevitably produce these enrichment and culture that will undoubtedly mark his personal and professional future.Evaluation Phase will involve the participants in the project in order to assess the development , monitoring and results. Following the policy reflected in the criteria of the EFQM quality standards , the Department of Quality Mare Nostrum IES is committed to establishing indicators of customer satisfaction and staff as well as to the respective questionnaires and tabulation of remedial measures before nonconformities.The Kanban card method , throughTrello platform will allow us to assess the development in each phase of the project and its compliance , setting responsibilities , identifying deficiencies or problems and proposing solutions in their advance until the completion of the project.To perform the method, we have involved different departments and teachers at school such as language , training and work organization , international relations, etc. all grouped in the Erasmus Commission as part of various subcommittees center . Also l the association of parents will participate. From our organization we offer our expertise and resources, to the service of other institutions in order to get the same benefits.In addition to the involvement of the entire school community , the institution as a whole is committed to disseminating the project through a health magazine , yearbook AMPA , publication and account of the experience on the website, Moodle plateform Moodle , provincial, newspapers in both cities , etwinning , facebook , tweeter , etc. hahstag, including advertising through companies and public institutions such as the City Council and Chamber of Commerce, SERVEF who will participate in the planned activities.Finally warn that this international experience is a second part of a project that began in 2014 and aims its continuity as an exciting bet of our internationalization long term strategy, reshaping its structure with its recent addition to the network of multilingual centers( 2015-16 ). Also considering his appointment as test language center and oficial A2 lenguage certification justifies why it moves us to promote this European project , as we thought it will fit to fill gaps , training needs and employment prospects of students in this training level .
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