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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The lack of technical equipments in school workshops in order to assure a practical training in accordance with the Training Standards and the Local Curriculum, the few partnerships with economic agents, the experience gained in previous LdV IVT projects, motivates us to promote the mobility of our students for personal development and a better chance of integrating in the future labor market. Obiectives of the project - development of knowledge in the domains textiles, services, esthetics - development of competences and practical abilities in the field of specialization in order to facilitate labor market integration - improving knowledge and understanding of diversity and European values - promote the attitude of future employers or entrepreneurs, important for the good working of the transnational labor market and the economical development of EU - personal development of students, enlargement of their personal horizon (communication, professional and personal relations, self independence in a foreign environment) in contact with a transnational working environment - increase of self respect and empowerment given by the advantage awarded by the Europass Certificate, Mobility Certificate and the Certificate of professional competences. The beneficiary of this mobility project is Liceul Tehnologic "Francisc Neuman" Arad, in partenership with M.E.P Europrojects Granada, as intermediary organisation in Spain and with Coleg Cambria Wales. The target group are 80 students in Xth degree in initial vocational training (IVT) in the domains: TextIile and leather industry, Commerce and Esthetics and hygiene of the human body. During 2 years , 2014-2016 , students will take part in 2 flows * 3 weeks practical training in Spain and UK, in the periods: january 2015- flow 1 and january 2016- flow 2. The two flows in UK consist of 14 participants with the qualification Hairstylist. The two flows in Spain consist of 26 participants as follows: - 7 participants in the domaine Commerce, qualification Technician in aquisitions and contracting - 5 participants in the domaine Textile and leather industry, qualification Technician fashion designer - 14 participants in the domaine Esthetics and hygiene of the human body, qualification Hairstylist Proposed activities (6 hours/day) are in accordance with The Professional Training Standards, planned together with the receiving organisations, undersigned by a learning agreement, and focused on delivering positive effects on long term on the participants and also on the institution. Activities involve practical training in institutions, organisations equipped properly in accordance with European standards in order to help the students get familiar with the demands of a labor market and facilitate their transition from school to active life; learning about the organisation and functioning of an organisation helping them to start their own activity/bussiness; participants from Wales will spend the training period in a school so they can observe the organisational culture. Not at least there will be cultural and pedagogical activities. Participants will achieve general, technical competences and skills, extended transversal competences regarding interaction and communication with the social and pedagogical environment, assume responsabilities in order to enhance performance, self control and reflection on its own activity. Impact : significant number of students (80) with improved competences; raising of school prestige in the local comunity; awareness of the need of continuos training of students and teachers; development of new projects; increase of the atractivity of the educational offer; new partnerships with similar European institutions; new motivations for further learning and study. At the level of the organisation mobility plays an important role in order to make the educational process, the training systems and the institutions more open , more accesible, and more effective and the VET system more transparent. There is a focus on raising atractivity on VET, on the training system and practice in VET schools .
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