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Euro Innowacje
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Euro Innovations" project was established in the Secondary School of Economics and Administration in Wroclaw. It is a dynamic institution, open to new initiatives broadening its educational offer (creating an Advertising Technician class, an Entrepreneur in the European Union class, planned – a bilingual class), which is constantly expanding the base of computer hardware (computers, projectors, tablets, printers and interactive whiteboards) . The school staff often undertake initiatives to increase students' interest in the subject, to improve teaching results and develop students' passions. This project is focused on improving English language skills among teachers of different subjects, as well as increasing the level and attractiveness of the teaching of English. The project also aims to incorporate the English language into teaching general subjects, to effectively use mobile devices in the learning process , to transform the school website and to open the school to international cooperation. The participants of the project consist of five teachers, including two teachers of English, a teacher of IT and economic subjects, a teacher of literature, mother tongue and Language of New Technologies Communication and a teacher of mathematics and physics. The project includes 5 different language courses. The first being Fluency and English Language Development for Teachers (2 participants) and four specialist ones: Methodology Revisited, Revitalised, Renergised-Language Teaching Methodology; Technology Enhanced Learning ; Methodology & ICT Tools for Teachers working with CLIL ; Practical Uses for Mobile Technology in the Language Classroom. As a continuation of the foreign training, a number of innovations in the parent institution will be introduced. The proposed innovations were presented in the European Development Plan and incorporated into the Strategic Plan of the Institution Development. As a result of strengthening the professional profile and refreshing teachers’ methodological qualifications, a greater number of students choosing the advanced level of English (or at the level of bilingual classes) at school-leaving exams is expected. Students will be able to enjoy a range of interactive exercises and online tools. Furthermore, interested and talented students will be able to take part in competitions, international ELO literature projects, as well as in co-creating the school website. The specialist courses, based on improving the ability to use modern information technology, will help to teach effectively and to motivate the students in today's rapidly changing world. Improving English language skills will enable teachers to do interdisciplinary projects. It will also increase the participants' and the school’s involvement in e-Twinning, in order to benefit from training and workshops for teachers, to exchange experience, to broaden networking opportunities and to communicate with foreign schools. The project will be based on an agreement between the school and the participants as well as on the support given by other employees of the institution (a lawyer, an IT specialist and an advertising specialist). In order to run the project smoothly, the project team has appointed the school coordinator, the deputy and the persons responsible for: organizational matters, evaluation and for language support. To ensure the recognition of the effects of the course, the participants will use the European tools and certificates such as "Europass Language Passport" and "Europass - Mobility". There will also be established a means of monitoring the participants during mobility - mandatory entries on the blog, concerning the training, regular contact with the coordinator, linguistic support from the teachers of English, as well as the audio-conference with the participants , the coordinator and the headmaster of the school. Information about the project and its effects will reach various social groups, teachers, educators, professionals from different fields through a digital media campaign, participation in public events, through the promotional campaign of the school, and actions for teachers and educators. Through the project our school has the opportunity to expand its educational offer, to incorporate the English language into teaching general subjects (mathematics, physics and language of new technologies), to gain an up-to-date database of e-materials and m- materials as well as to modernize the school website with information and materials in English, which will translate into an increase in the prestige of the school. In addition, the bilingual website, the contacts with foreign schools, students ZSEA being in touch with EU peers and organizing foreign exchange of students in the future, will impact on the European dimension of the institution.

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