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Euro ALTERmobility
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ReBike ALTERmobility is an Italian non-profit association, aiming at promoting sustainable lifestyles in urban environments, with a specific focus on mobility issues. Through cultural, leisure and educational activities, ReBike promotes the use of bicycles as daily means of transportation, as an alternative to private cars and a suitable tool for promoting active citizenship, social aggregation, non-formal education and discovery of the urban environment. The association mainly relies on volunteer work and direct involvement of citizens, as key factors to facilitate social inclusion in an intercultural public space and to promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles. Euro ALTERmobility is an empowerment project, designed to make the association grow after its first achievements gained at local level and its first international experiences. The specific objective of this project is to enhance the professional competences of staff members directly or indirectly involved in non formal education activities for adult learners, in order to improve the quality of local and regional educational activities and to strengthen the association’s European dimension. The vision and mission of ReBike are in total agreement with the targets of Europe 2020 Strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. ReBike recognizes the European institutions as the main reference to look ahead with courage and optimism, because it’s at European level, in the overlap between global and local dimension, that the challenge of change and social innovation is tackled. Our association wants to give an active contribution to the development of the EU and through this project it aims at improving its operational capacity in order to increase its performances within the European dimension. To become a national hub of social innovation and to consolidate its presence in Europe, ReBike ALTERmobility must improve its internal processes and enhance its educational activities, as well as expand its collaborative networks and control the main communication tools to gain visibility and strengthened role at European level. To achieve these goals, the ReBike team designed a two-year-plan including 22 transnational mobilities, which will allow staff members to attend training activities abroad and to acquire new professional skills within four key areas: European projects; human resources management; educational activities; communication and networking. The mobility plan will generate a positive impact on participants by enhancing their professional competences and consequently their employability and personal fulfillment. These benefits will be reflected on ReBike future educational initiatives, both in quality and quantity, thus increasing their impact at local and sectoral level and expanding ReBike scope to the whole European context.

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