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EURA339 Economics of European Integration
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EURA339 Economics of European Integration is a 300-level/3rd year course designed to provide an introduction to European Union Studies into a mainly non-EU related discipline in New Zealand, equipping students with knowledge and skills on specific EU issues relevant for their academic professional lives. The relationship between the EU and New Zealand has drastically evolved since the 1970s, but there is little public knowledge of this. EURA339 introduces students to the European integration process started in the early 1950s and guides them through the various integration and cooperation agreements to todays' complex system. EURA339 draws on up-to-date research and current events of international significance in order to demonstrate the EU's increasing importance for both, developed and developing countries.Through a multi-disciplinary approach and inclusion of experts at the Centre for European Studies, Fudan University, the module promotes innovation in teaching and top-level research. This leads to an increased capacity to attract excellent students. The EURA339 Economics of European Integration module will provide a greater visibility to European Studies at the University of Canterbury but also to students from other tertiary education institutions as the module will be open to all New Zealand tertiary students that meet the entry requirements. UC Graduates in EU Studies traditionally follow a career path in government ministries, academia and policy analysis. By providing students with a European dimension in their studies, it enhances their employability and career prospects. At the same time they will be prepared to foster a continued and deepened dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers with the aim of enhancing governance of EU Policies.
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