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EUR-MODA was conceived in response to the vocational training needs detected by the umbrella organisations in the textilesector in Europe. ASECOM, the Spanish promoter of the project, together with other strategic partner organisations in the textil sector from Portugal and Czech Republic made up the part of the consortium representing the demand side of the project (destination of the transfer). The vocational training needs detected are caused by the geographich fragmentation of the production chain within the current global market, espcially after the strong uprise of emerging countries like China and India in the sector. The promoter and its partners were taking desing, innovation and the quality as tokens for competitiveness.The rest of the partners from Spain, Italy and United Kingdom, who are providers of vocational training and counselling in this sector made up the offer side of the project (origin of the transfer). In particular the Italian partner, CONFORM, with the contribution of the Spanish Partner CIFESAL and the UK partner developed a specific method to fill the competence gap in different economic sectors in the context of two different Leonardo da Vinci projects. This solution was tested and validated in different European countries including Italy, Spain, France and the UK, and has started to be commercialised in Italy in the Employement Services sector and the Financial sector, in response to similar challenges affecting to the global markets in those sectors.The main aim of the project was to achieve an effective transfer of the model to provide solutions to the detected vocational training needs, by means of the elaboration of the competence map of two specific professional profiles in the textile sector previously diagnosed as key for the sector in terms of employement, using the indications of the companies of this sector, comparing the situation and approach in the different participating countries and creating a prototype for the design of a tailor made competence based course. Commercial feasibility of the solutions specifically adapted to the needs of the companies of this sector were analysed.The project had a strong impact primarily on the companies of the textile sector, by means of theintegration of the method that was transferred in their training strategies. Vocational training institutions were also benefitingfrom the final results, especially a handbook of lessons learnt, which allowed to present the power of this method to map, priorise and match the required competences.The conclusions were expected to have an impact as well in the Education policies of the partner countries, in particular for the adaptation of the qualifications relevant to the two professional profiles to the EQF. Explicit support from the Spanish Institute of Qualifications (INCUAL) was obtained, and contacts were established in the rest of the countries.
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7 Partners Participants