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EuNIT – European project desigN and management In the South MediTerranean region
Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EuNIT targets the management and operation of HEIs in Jordan, Lebanon and Libya by focusing on increasing their international activity. In order for HEIs in these countries to increase their participation in international cooperation projects and benefit from opportunities available to them through programmes such as Erasmus+, H2020 and ENI, they require greater expertise in project design and management. EuNIT aims to equip these HEIs with the necessary skills and resources. It will produce:- A comprehensive training programme for 24 selected staff from 8 partner HEIs in Jordan, Lebanon and Libya, combining theory, practical work and international travel, adapted to the needs of South Mediterranean HEIs to enable them to increase their participation in EU initiatives and international cooperation.- 8 EU project design and management units dedicated to EU cooperation and research projects set up in partner HEIs in Jordan, Lebanon and Libya.- A regional network bringing together HEIs in the South Mediterranean region for the exchange of good practices and experience in project design and management.- 2 external training sessions run by Jordanian, Lebanese and Libyan trainers reaching out to HEIs across Jordan, Lebanon & Libya targeting 80 staff.- Massive Open Online Courses in EU project design and management accessible to all HEIs.The project aims to impact the 8 partner HEIs from Jordan, Lebanon and Libya. Then, the dissemination strategy will enable activities to reach firstly all HEIs in Jordan, Lebanon and Libya and secondly other Patner Countries in the South Mediterranean region. HEIs in the countries concerned should become more independent in designing and managing EU projects, being able to increase the amount of project applications they submit, and targeting more closely their needs in terms of developing and modernising their HEI. To this effect, HEIs in the South Mediterranean region will be able to develop sustainable international partnerships.

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