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EU Xarxa Clau: families for educational success
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The EUXarxaClau project aims to have a positive impact on the educational success in Europe and heads to establish a Strategic Partnership between European organizations in order to approach, inform and train families in Successful Educational Actions 
 based on scientific evidence (SEA). The educational research on school education with more resources and greater range scientist Framework Programmes INCLUD-ED Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education (Integrated Project Priority 7 of the Sixth Framework Programme European Commission 2006-2011), has demonstrated the vital importance of participation and training of families and the correlation between family and community as a trigger of school success. It also identified what educational activities ensure academic success for all children. This project has as its main objective: to make available to the European families the necessary organizational and methodological resources so they can implement SEA in their schools. For this reason, the specific objectives of the project are: 1. To create a network of organizations to accompany, follow and train families in the SEA (Successful Educational Actions). 2. To disseminate to European students’ families and European parents Associations the scientific evidences that lead to educational success (SEA) supported by the European Commission. 3. To train families in SEA. 4. To provide with participation tools in the educational environment to families and the rest of educational community to create a network of families to achieve educational success. The main results of the project are addressed to two main beneficiary collectives: - For families associations: a. In-person seminar and other events for dissemination and training about: a) the theoretical foundations of the SEA; b) the acquisition and application by the families in the schools. b- On-line course free of charge for European Parents Associations on a) the theor basis of the SEA; b) the acquisition and application by the families in the schools. Families / community members base: a- In-person training 5 days for families/community AMPA' (parents associations) members interested in applying SEA. b- Online training materials free of charge for voluntary families/ members of the community on: a) the theoretical foundations of the SEA; b) its acquisition and implementation by families in schools. The consortium EUXarxaClau is based on the experience, career and results of applying XarxaClau Project in Catalonia. A project that has been promoted and coordinated by FaPaC having the collaboration of the coordinating center for research INCLUD-ED, CREA-UB and AEPA which participation is crucial to ensure the democratic training and dialogic of the families. In just one year the project has trained 150 parents and has made that 51 AMPA are developing the SEA in their children schools. So we want to start in Europe a social process that is already being implemented in Spain where social base agents as family and other community members implement them. In the EUXarxaClau there are entities involved with different profiles and trajectories such as: Universities to ensure both the theoretical basis and the application of scientific evidence of SEA (University of Barcelona – CREA), the Technical development of online content (outsourced); federations and Confederations families from different European countries (FaPaC, RwE, CONFAP) and as the umbrella organization for associations of European families (EPA) which ensures the dissemination of the project and its results between family associations from across Europe representing more than 150 million parents; also, the Center for Dialog and Tolerance Interethic (AMALIPÉ) ensure inclusion of the voices of cultural minorities and Roma community during the project. The project INCLUD-ED has found different ways to participate by the families in the schools: information, consultation, decision-making, evaluation and educational (learning activities in both their and the rest of the students). Of these five, the last three are the only ones that promote school success is because they have a higher participation and greater influence in the decisions of schools. EUXarxaClau wants to follow a methodology that guarantees to include, also, these three participation types in the development of our project. So we will follow the guidelines of the Communicative Methodology (Gómez Latorre, Sánchez, Flecha, 2006), which allows including the voices of end-users in decision-making and evaluation of projects. Therefore between the managing mechanisms we will have an Advisory Board made up of representatives of the project groups: families, members of the educational community and researchers.
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