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EU standards for accreditation of study programs on BH Universities
Start date: Jan 15, 2010,

Main aim of the project concerns the introduction of European standards in evaluation and accreditation procedures of study programs in BH Universities. This is an essential step in the further implementation of the Bologna process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this way this Structural Measures proposal focused on Governance Reform fully supports the structural reform of Higher Education in the whole country of Bosnia and Herzegovina.The consortium consists of all 8 BH universities together with 3 EU universities ( KaHo Sint-Lieven Gent, IPP Porto, Brasov University), WUS Austria and its regional office in Sarajevo (SUS B&H) , the Agency for development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance in BH, the Catalunyan Accreditation Office (AQA) and the Council of Flemish University Colleges (VLHORA), organising visitation commissions in Flanders. The Ministry of Civil Affairs in BH, Sector Education, will act as associate project partner in order to ensure sustainability of project results.After evaluation of present situation regarding evaluation and accreditation in EU and BH will be organised different retraining seminars for University staff, students and staff of BH agency for different QA procedures (self assesment, external assesment and accreditation). Study visits will be organised to EU universities in order to learn more about the exact application of accreditation procedures in EU countries.Guidelines with basic procedures for BH will be developed with special emphasis on electronic templates for internal and external assessment procedures of BH university study programs.Specific questionnaires for self evaluation reports will be implemented. Four study programs will be selected per university and self evaluation reports will be fully developed and submitted to an external visitation commission including AQA and VLHORA, who will analyse the results and after a site visit to each BH university feedback will be delivered by means of a SWOT analysis deciding on accreditation or not. Afterwards universities will prepare long term strategic action plans in view of ensuring the sustainability of project results. Developed procedures will be finetuned in common agreement between BH universities and the the BH agency for Quality Assurance. Also the Ministry of Civil Affairs will be actively consulted in order to implement the accreditation procedures into the BH legislation. Quality control and monitoring of project results will be taken care of by three individual EU experts who will each year visit all BH universities and submit an annual evaluation report. Strong emphasis will be put on dissemination of project results by developping an up to date project website, by printing a dissemination booklet, by editing a regular newsletter and by organising a dissemination conference with all stakeholders and political authorities involved in evaluation and accreditation of study programmes in BH. Student representatives will be actively involved in project development and the consortium plans a strong management structure in order to guarantee a smooth running project.By achieving the planned project goals and outcomes the project consortium intends to improve compatibility and comparability of BH higher education with EU standards : evaluation and accreditation of study programmes are an essential step of the Bologna process. In this way the project proposal fits very well in the development strategy for education in BH and will contribute to prepare the preaccession of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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