Search for European Projects

Start date: Dec 22, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

(EU)quality wants to respond to the european legislative situation in the field of civil rights, common law couples, gender equality, sexual orientation stereotypes and discomforts, and homophobia. Laws about it are very different in each european Country: there are more flexible Countries like Netherlands, Spain or United Kingdom, and less tolerant countries like Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Greece, and halfway situations like Czech Republic. But the real point is that tolerant and flexible countries are not always also openminded, and the opposite. There is a separation between laws and people. Furthermore, the discussion is too often made only from an ideological point of view, more than from the point of view of real life conditions of citizens. That's why the discomfort is increasing, proven by growth of suicides, risk behaviors, violence and homophobia. This project aims first to respond to these discomforts, helping young people to understand better and fight prejudices and stereotypes about sexual orientation, analysing feelings, expectations from the society towards couples, homosexuals, heterosexuals, etc. Second, we want to create a discussion that starts from personal conditions, the real ones, ending with new laws. For this reason, we will fake a European Parliament, that will be asked to decide and to make laws about civil rights, homophobia, risk behaviors, giving legislative responses but also awareness campaigns. The main tool will be photography, that we use in a non formal way as self-analysis , communication and discussion tool, and eventually to transmit the final message; particularly we'll use participatory photography, phototherapy and stopmotion technique. Furthermore, we'll realize discussion groups, teambuilding, groupbuilding, namegames and language animations activities, a final cineforum, no less than 2 final photography exhibitions, a final blog, social networks and youtube and flickr channels, and two workshop about Europe, more specifically about Erasmus + Programme and inclusive strategies of Europe 2020 Agenda. Participants will be 40 young people aged from 18 to 30 years (plus 8 groupleaders), among wich some homosexuals, coming from Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Greece. They will learn new expressions techniques connected with photography, will improve their communication skills, will experience more personal and social awareness, and will learn the basic rules of legislation and politics decisions. Furthermore, they will develop their active citizenship and particularly their european citizenship. The final exhibitions, cineforum, social networks and youtube and flickr channel will extend the impact of the project on local communities and other virtual web visitors.

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